Hello, welcome to Multiply, a podcast to encourage village church planters, pastors, and Christian leaders. Today, I am your host, Daneille Snowden.
Today, I have been tasked to help us to remember the Four Fields Model with Village Church Planting.
Field 1: The New Field
Field 2: The Seeded Field
Field 3: The Growing Field
Field 4: The Harvest Field
What a great and Biblical directive to follow as church planters! We are beginning a new year, now is an exciting time to set this model before us as we pray and fast, asking our God to lead us to unfamiliar places and people groups. By asking the Holy Spirit to help us learn about them, as we retain knowledge and spiritual insight into their lives.
This is something we are not to rush; this is a special time to meditate upon God’s Word as He leads and guides. Remember the old missionary from long ago, William Carey who said, “To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map.” I was blessed to visit his missionary compound in India and see how God had used him leading multitudes to know Jesus as their Savior.
In Field 1, we are to identify a new and fresh territory, research about it, pray over it, and plan out what God wants to do, we are to also identify church planters. In addition, we shall go on prayer walks, as we look for a person of peace. “In John 4:35, the Lord Jesus commanded His disciples to “look at” or “investigate” (which is the Greek meaning) the harvest of men’s souls.” [Term 1]
Then, we step into …
Field 2, Where we are seeking out a location for a training center. Also, to find a person of peace, evangelize, testify, tell God’s story, mobilize others, and begin to make disciples. This is a huge task, and we know that we cannot do this alone! I would like to encourage my fellow church planters that this is done primarily by the leadership and power of the Holy Spirit. “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Let us remember the day of Pentecost and how God sent His promise to empower the church to ‘GO’ & ‘DO’ the work of an evangelist!
Next is …
Field 3, as we now witness the field growing, we are constantly making disciples, by gathering them into a unified body of believers (we call a church). Here is where we introduce and actively participate in baptisms and communion. Also, discipleship continues as we teach chronological Bible stories.
Lastly, we step into …
Field 4, God multiplies as the seed is implanted into the tilled soil of men and women, and even boys and girls’ hearts! We continue to teach, as we are assured the church is strongly established. During this time, leaders will be multiplied as well as church planters. The vision shall always be cast before them, as this vision becomes the church’s DNA! Then, in this field, we SEND OUT workers to plant daughter churches! Such as Paul and Barnabus in Acts 13:1-3.
We truly are living in exciting times! Yes, it is hard but so exciting to be God’s workers in this harvest! The reward is eternal, as we are the Hands and feet of Jesus leading the lost soul to Him!
My brothers and sisters I want to encourage you to keep moving forward, God has His Hands upon you! “Enter the fields, for they are ripe and ready to harvest!” (John 4:35)
This has been Multiply; will you share this podcast with others? We have a website: vcpencouragement.org. We are also on YouTube, Facebook, and podcast channels. Thank you, and GOD BLESS!
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