Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Jesus Called, Equipped and Released Workers for the Harvest

    Hello, this is multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders, I am Brad Snowden.

 Luke 10:2 says, "He was saying to them the harvest is abundant but the workers are you therefore perfectly asked the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest."

 Jesus shares with his disciples that the harvest is abundant, and so they can be encouraged that their effort would not be in vain. I imagine that with these words, it was a great encouragement for them. I know that personally there are certain things that people do that I’m not excited to do. 

It is not because those activities are not good, but I do not know that in the end, my effort will produce the proper reward for me because of my interest. Jesus says that there are plenty of people out there who do not know the good news today we still have this word because there are so many who do not follow the Lord Jesus taught His disciples the truth as he walked with them upon this earth. 

He trained them through sharing, and walking before them. They could hear and see the gospel all at the same time Jesus knew the way to teach and prepare his disciples for the work that they would do after he trained them. He knew that some learned by hearing, some by seeing and some had to learn to trust him by doing.

I can think of no better example than PETER and the others were fishing all night and caught nothing Jesus arrives, and simply says, cast your net on the right side, and there was an abundance of fish. It was at that moment that they grew in their faith and knew the power of Christ’s words. Today we can be confident in what God‘s word teaches us and our relationship with Jesus. We know that the Holy Spirit will give us the right words to say to those that do not know Jesus and his loving grace.The Holy Spirit will guide us to the perfect place where we are to preach and share the good news I know that as the Lord guides us in the power of the Holy Spirit, he has already worked in their hearts and will accomplish what he has planned. The Lord has guided me many times to places where I was like Lord this is not something I am comfortable with, and I do not know why I am here and then I find myself talking with someone and in conversation he pours into their hearts the truth, and they accept him as their savior. There was nothing any better than being used by the Lord. There must be the feet to go being Jesus‘s followers seeking those that do not know. Our confidence is that Jesus has given us his word, his example and his power to do all that he wants us to accomplish in his plans. It is up to us to go and be that vessel for him. There is a great harvest of awaits us. 

This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters.

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