Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Persevere - 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting

 Hello, this is multiply a podcast to encourage village, church, planters, and leaders. I am Brad Snowden, and on this podcast. I want to encourage you to persevere. We have such a blessing that the Lord has given each one of us the powerful tools in which to grow in, it is by God ‘s grace that he has given us his word in which we can see his heart. 

He desires for every heart to know him, and his love there are times that we must arise in battle with a Warriors heart to see and experience, the victory, the greatest victory is to see Jesus transform lives and as we intercede may we be persistent warriors, Ephesians 6 :10-18 the apostle Paul gives us the understanding of the armor of God and the last tool is prayer Ephesians 6:18 with all prayer and petition pray at all times on every occasion and every season in the spirit with this in view stay alert with all perseverance, and petition interceding in prayer for all God’s people I believe it’s not the last or an additional thought, but the very tool that ties all the armor together to be effective for the hearts of those who have not yet accepted Jesus. 

Oh church, planter, leader, brothers, and sisters may we arise in the power of his might whether we stand, kneel, or walk it is a persistent intercession on the behalf of others that God will honor. This does not mean it will be easy by any means, but to persevere, this means to walk continually as if nothing will stop us. The Lord will honor our perseverance as we push forward in our walk with him. Do not get weary and while doing but allow God to strengthen you in your persistent walk, and your intercession on behalf of others. 

My prayer for every believer in Jesus to arise as a great intercessor for the hearts in every village in Africa. We will experience a testimony of God ‘s faithfulness as we persistently call on him.

 This has been a word of encouragement for village church, planters, who you share this with today, Lord bless you.

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