Friday, September 13, 2024

The 3 Circles - 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting


Welcome to Multiply a podcast to encourage Village Church Planters, pastors, and Christian leaders and I am your host today, Daneille Snowden.

During VCP’s 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting podcasts, we have been focusing on our church planting mission. Today, we want to revisit the technique we use to share the hope of salvation; The Three Circles.

This is an opportunity where we share about brokenness, and how Jesus came to heal and to save those who are so deeply broken.

Before we share the Three Circles with others, let’s spend much time in prayer, asking the Lord to lead our thoughts and words. Remember, this is all a work of the Holy Spirit in individual’s hearts, and we are an instrument as we share this hope and truth.

Take a moment today, to pray about this method of ministry as we are all praying and fasting these 90 Days of Prayer. Let’s focus on the brokenness of this world and ask the Lord to anoint every church planter (including ourselves) to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, especially when we stop and ask those who we are sharing this with, vital questions that could change their lives.

Remember when Jesus was challenging His own disciples in Matthew 17?  In verse one we see Jesus in deep-powerful prayer and later delivering a man from bondage. He told them in verse 21; “…but this never comes except by prayer and fasting.” In this chapter we see evangelism, yet the author stresses the importance of prayer.

When you share the Three Circles, may God’s rich presence be upon you and His Holy Spirit flow through you.

This has been Multiply, remember to find us at, we are also on Facebook and YouTube.

Thank you, and God bless!

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