Monday, September 16, 2024

Teach Your Disciples to Obey the 7 Basic Commands of Christ - 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

How wonderful it is to call out to God for the salvation of others. How wonderful to draw near to Him and know God is with us as we pray. For five weeks now you have been praying and fasting in new and different ways. You’ve been asking God for every church planted by the VCP ministry to start another church between now and October 29.  I have seen pictures of some of your prayer meetings.  I have heard some of your prayers shared by voice message on What’s App. And I have rejoiced when you have told stories of church members going out and finding persons of peace. All this brings me great satisfaction. And I know it blesses you as well. Hallelujah!

But what should a new church planter do when he or she finds a person of peace and leads that receptive person to Christ? Of course, the church planter needs to teach the man or woman of peace to share his or her 15 second testimony with other members of the family. But there is something else: Every new believer needs to learn to obey the 7 Basic Command so of Christ.

Jesus’ earthly ministry was filled with love. He showed his merciful love to men with leprosy and sick children, to a woman caught in adultery and to a demon possessed man from another country.  He showed the full extent of his love when he went to the cross and died in your place and my place so we could be reconciled to God. He was crucified, dead, and buried. But the third day he rose from the dead. And just after his resurrection, he gave his followers a new commandment. Jesus told them (and us) to teach the nations to obey everything He had commanded them.

Why does Jesus want every person to obey his teachings?  Because he loves us. When we repent and believe the Good News, we experience his love.  When we express our love to God in worship and love to our neighbor through deeds of service, we experience the peace of God. When we feed on God’s word and draw near to Him in prayer, we experience, in an amazing way, the goodness of God.  When we are baptized our hearts are filled with joy at the kindness of God who save us. The same is true when we eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of Jesus sacrificial death and victorious resurrection. When we give we are blessed and so are those who benefit from our gifts. And when we make disciples, we help other experience the full extent of God’s love.  See?  The 7 basic commands of Christ are not burdensome! But when we obey them we experience the love of God in powerful ways.

So, my brother and sister, immediately teach persons of peace to obey the 7 Basic Commands of Christ.  Don’t delay! When you teach these seven basic commands, you will be spreading the love of God to the person of peace and to their whole family!

This has been “Multiply,” and I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?


#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #FastAndPray

#7Basic CommandsOfChrist


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