Friday, September 13, 2024

Pray In Large Groups, Small Groups, and Alone - 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting


Hello dear brothers and sisters, church planters.

I Greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is Multiply the podcast of encouragement. I’m Pastor Douti Claude, as you can recognize my big Voice, I am VCP Director.

I want to encourage you in this moment, while some people, with prayers are still teaching on how to find persons of peace, the seven basic command of Christ, also the four seed sewer tools.

I want to encourage you to be diligent in your prayers, group prayers. We need to pray in large group. Large group prayers include churches and training centers.

We have also Small group prayers which include prayers in houses, work places, prayers between you, your wife and your children and also personal prayers.

Prayer is very important.

The Bible says that ‘‘the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much’’ and I want to let you understand this truth in Acts 2 :42. The Bible says here that : ‘‘they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship in breaking of bread and in prayers’’.

Behold verse 47 says : praising God and having favor with all people and the Lord added to the church Daily those who were being saved. Dear brothers and sisters this is here the proof of what prayer can do.

God added Daily members to the church. We are talking about prayers fasting and church planting especially daughters churches in our region.

And so groups prayers, both in large and small group are very important.

To finish my podcast, you will see that in Acts 12:12 when Apostle Peter was arrested and put in prison. The Bible says that prayers was made to him by the church. Prayers was made by the church for Peter for him to be released and also after the Angel intervened and Peter miraculously got out of the prison. He went directly to the house of Mary, once in that house he saw a small group of people praying for him. So the Angel of God didn’t intervened just like that. It was prayers made in houses, in churches that brought the Angel down.

I’m encouraging you to pray fervently for church planting, for what all workers are doing for their good Heath for the success of this 90 days of prayers fasting and church planting.

May God Bless You!

This is Multiply,


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