Friday, September 13, 2024

Pray for the Sick and the Demon Oppressed - 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting


Hello this is Multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders too. I am Brad Snowden.

When Jesus called his disciples he said, “Come follow me.” They were to learn about the heart. The power of the gospel is about heart change. Jesus wanted to encourage them that whatever path he went it was all about heart change. We can know that God uses many ways to encourage us to simply trust him. When Jesus walked upon this earth lives were changed because he healed their physical bodies. Matthew 14:14 When he went ashore,  He saw a large crowd and felt profound compassion for them and healed their sick. Jesus desires hearts to be touched to be able recognize His love and the power of His word.

Oh, that God would have the opportunity to change lives spiritually and physically. The Lord’s heart is to touch and heal the sick and James 5:13-16 encourages that he will use us in this gift. If we ask him for those opportunities he will do the work. Powerful testimonies will be shared because compassion in the hearts of Jesus’s followers prayed for them, and they were healed. There are so many who are hindered by the physical and Luke 4:18 Jesus said he came to set the captive free from physical bondage. He also came to set free those who were oppressed by the enemy. The devil wants to keep hearts so beaten down that all hope is lost. I ask you today are we not given hope in Jesus? This hope must be seen and experienced. God’s word is filled with hope and we have such a great opportunity to share this hope for those who need Jesus to heal their bodies. There are lives that can be changed , households and villages that can be transformed by a simple prayer for those in need of healing. Oh let us be that voice and action of hope.

This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters. Who will you share this with today? Lord bless you!

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