Friday, July 12, 2024

Relationships Are Important


Hello this is Multiply the podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders I am Brad Snowden.

Today, I want to share with you something the Lord showed me concerning the realm of disciplining. This is not an easy task at all pouring into lives the word of God, walking through life’s challenges, helping to work through tough subjects. I will be honest with you sometimes I don’t know if it’s even worth it because in the moment I don’t see the fruits and I have to question why am I sacrificing to keep the relationship going? Relationship is so very important for each one of us and especially when it comes to being able to pour into lives of others. Jesus sacrificed many things in order for true relationship to happen.

 Jesus had many disciples and yet when it came down to effort many walked away because of that fact, they didn’t want to put forth that effort. Relationship takes sacrifice of time, sometimes money, planning rearranging of schedules, etc.….  We need to understand the importance of relationship because Jesus did and his desire was for each one of us to have relationship with him and with that then we have relationship with the “Father” as His prayer in John 17:22-23  I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one, just as we are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected and completed into one, so that the world may know without any doubt that You sent Me, and that You have loved them, just as You have loved Me."

Relationship= discipleship is not just for the moment but building a relationship for the future, many teaching moments those times we can pour into lives comes down the road. It is because of the investment into a person’s life the investment of time in the relationship that we then have the right to speak truth into their lives. If we have not given of the time investing into them, if we have not been engaged in their lives what we pour in will simply run off because the heart will not receive. 
Oh brother and sister, lives hang in the balance and how effective we are comes in and through who we are and what we give in our relationships with one another. It is my prayer that you hear my heart today that these words have encouraged you as much as they were a revelation to me as I wondered about my effectiveness in pouring into lives and was the sacrifice of keeping relationships alive. I now can say yes it is very important to be engaged in a relationship because I don’t know when God will open the door for His word to take root.

 Is has been a word of encouragement for village church planters. Who will you share this with today?

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