Friday, July 26, 2024

Mobilize Intercessors - 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting


Good morning, everybody!

Good morning, dear pastors, dear church planters. This is Multiply, the podcast that provides a Word of encouragement to all church planters.

I’m Pastor Douti Claude VCP Director.

Last time I spoke about humility in church planting.

Since sometimes now all our words of encouragement are focused on our 90 days of fasting and prayers and church planting.

This morning, I want to talk about intercession. To mobilize intercessors.

In this moment of 90 days of fasting and prayers and church planting I want to encourage you dear brothers and sisters to mobilize the maximum of intercessors.

What is an intercessor?

An intercessor is the one who places himself between God and men to plead the cause of men. As intercessor you are a helper who stands beside someone.

We must present VCP vision to our fellow churches, to our brothers, in every church, in all Africa, on tik Tok, on Facebook.

Let us talk about prayer. It’s prayer that can save us. It’s prayer that can save Africa.

Nowadays, our leaders in our African countries come out with a lot of lows which do not help churches but hinder them.

Our strength in this time should be intercession, prayer to stand in God’s presence and God will touch the heart of all decision makers, transformed all decision makers so that people maximally give their lives to Jesus so that Africa should be saved. Intercession is powerful.

The Great Apostle Paul requested prayers from churches. He sent a letter to the church of Ephesus in the book of Ephesian 6 :18-19 “Praying at all times in the spirit with all prayers and supplications, to that end keep alert with all perseverance. Making supplication to all the saints and for me. That words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the Gospel.”

Brothers and sisters. I encourage you by these words to mobilize a greater number of intercessors even if some of them may not be able to fast, let them all be in prayers in these 90 days for Africa. It’s for the salvation of Africa.    Planting a greater number of churches means to bring solvation to a greater number of Africans.

I encourage you to do this with pure zeal, with a big love. To mobilize intercessors for your churches, in your houses, with your friends. Why watched podcasts of things that don’t benefit you on tik Tok where people only talk about politics, about purchased weapons, where we only see wars, but we can stop wars and give peace again to Africa through our prayers, through fasting and prayers, through the strength of the church. I encourage you dear brothers and sisters to position yourselves for intercession.

May the Lord bless you

May he gives you strength in these 90 days of fasting and prayers and church planting to see intercessors results.


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