Friday, July 26, 2024

Humility and Church Planting - 90 Days of Prayer & Fasting


Good morning, dear brothers and sisters, Church planters. My name is Pastor Douti Claude VCP Director.

This is Multiply the podcast that brings words of encouragement to church planters.

I want brothers and sisters to encourage you about our 90 days of fasting and prayers and church planting.

I want to encourage you not to take these 90 days lightly but be diligent to it and humble yourselves before the Lord.

I want to talk to you about humility in church planting

Humility is important in church planting.

Humility before God and humility before the people that you serve humility among servants of God.

What is humility?

Humility is willingly bringing yourself down; humility is to humble yourself before God and before men.

It’s the time that we keep ourselves fasting in prayers. It’s the time when we keep ourselves far away from this world, and attach ourselves faithfully and humbly before God.

James says in the book of James 4 :4, that friendship with this world is enmity with God, but God loves the humble. God gives more grace to the humble. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble in verse 6 of James 4.

Humble yourselves before God in these 90 days, then you will see more God’s grace in your live, villages will be reached, you will have more increase in your ministry, you will see improve your ministry.

Peter is repeating the something to the elders IN 1 Peters 5 :5 he is talking about the grace that God gave to the humble and he opposes the proud. Brother be humble in this moment of 90 days of fasting and prayers before God.

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