Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The 3 Circles for Daughter Church Planting

 Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 

Have you ever shared the Good News of Jesus by drawing three circles?  What was your experience as you drew the circle describing our broken world and told the story of how our world became broken when we rebelled against God? How did people respond when you asked them “How have you seen brokenness in our world?  What was their response when you asked them how they have seen glimpses of God’s original design for our world?

I love the Three Circles Gospel Presentation. It tells God’s big story in a very simple way. Its simplicity is wonderful.  But you can expand on any part of the story as needed.  I love to expand on the part of the story that is told as we draw the third circle, the one with the cross in the middle. This circle tells the story of God’s love for our broken world. This circle conveys the story of sinful men confronting our Savior. This is the story of his victory over sin and death. This is the story of Jesus and his love. What a great story!

Have you ever used the Three Circles to invite a person to turn from their rebellion against God and put their trust in Christ? I have. What a great privilege. What a great joy when a people understand the Good News and then put their trust in Christ!

Did you know you can share the Three circles with a group of people? You can draw them on a large sheet of paper or use a stick to draw the circles in the sand where everyone can see.

One of the greatest privileges for a Christian is to be sent out by his or her church to find persons of peace and start a new church. Who are you preparing to go out and start a new daughter church?

Sooner or later, when a church planter finds a man or woman who is hungry for God, the church planter will want to share God’s big story. One of the best ways to do this is by using the Three Circles.  We often draw and explain all three circles in just five or 10 minutes. But, we can also use the Three Circles to slowly explain God’s big story over several days or weeks.  When people understand, then you can invite them to turn back to God and crown Jesus as the Lord of their lives.

As you send church planters to new villages to proclaim the Good News and start new churches, help them become skilled in telling God’s big story illustrated by three circles.  God will be with them. He will shine his light into the darkness. He will use their words to draw people to himself. God himself will bring hope and salvation to that new community. This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

To learn more about The Three Circles, follow this link: 

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #ThreeCircles #God’sBigStory

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Steward Leadership - The Parable of the Talents, Part 2

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