Friday, January 19, 2024

Tell God's Story

 Hi there, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for

village church planters.

The Bible tells the story of God’s interactions with people. Like all good

stories, God’s story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. As a village church

planter, it will be important for you to learn the individual stories of the Bible

as parts of one big, wonderful story. When we learn God’s big story from

beginning to end, we understand it much better than if we just hear

disconnected parts of the story.

But if we are to tell God’s big story, we must tell the beginning of his

interactions with people, the problems that arose in those interactions, and

the way God has addressed those problems and will resolve them.

In the Bible, God’s story starts with the eternal God creating the world and

people. In addition to people, God’s story involves Satan, demons, and angels.

God’s story tells about Adam and Eve’s disobedience. It describes the suffering

that resulted from their separation from God. God’s story emphasizes God’s

plan to bless all nations on earth through Abraham and his descendants.

It tells how Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world, just as the prophets

foretold. It communicates that Jesus came to save us from our sins. God’s story

relates Jesus’ teaching and shows his loving actions, which brought healing and

deliverance from the power of demons. It tells of Jesus’ death, burial, and


God’s story includes stories about groups of Jesus’ followers called churches. It

tells how people started churches among many nations. God’s story has an

ending, which we have not yet experienced. The last part of God’s story

includes Jesus’ second coming and the final judgment of people. That

judgment will result in some people experiencing eternal death separated from

God and others receiving eternal life in the presence of God. God’s story is

powerful. Its power changes lives.

As a Village Church Planter it is important for you to know God’s story well.

So read you Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Watch the Jesus Film in your

local language. Get to know God’s story very well. As you begin to understand

God’s big story better and better your faith will grow and you will gain wisdom.

Tell God’s story to others. God’s story is a love story from beginning to end. It

is a story which is full of tragedy, but it is also a story which is full of hope.

When the people you’re helping follow Jesus understand God’s big story, they

will be strong in the face of adversity. They will be courageous in the face of

difficulties and challenges. They will be bold witnesses for Christ. You are a

village church planter. There are few ministry activities more important than

the telling of God’s story. So learn it well and even more importantly, tell it


This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #BibleStoryTelling

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