Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Prayer Walking For Daughter Church Planting


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

As church planters, we are ambassadors for Christ. We help people be

reconciled to God. We share the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

We help people draw near to God by expressing repentance for their sins and

by trusting in the blood of Christ to cleanse them from all unrighteousness.

But with whom do we share this Good News? As village church planters, you go

to villages that do not have churches. Sometimes you find in that village a

friend from school or a person you buy from or sell to in the market.

Sometimes you meet a person you have gotten to know at a wedding or a

funeral. Sometimes you simply greet people and begin talking to them. Soon

your conversation turns to Jesus and his power to save and to heal.

There are many ways to get to know people in a village without a church. And

everyone you meet is connected to other people. Sometimes your friends and

acquaintances are not ready to respond to the Good News, but their friends

and family members are.

A good way to remember all the people you know in a new village is to create a

relationship map. A relationship map will also help you remember the people

who your friends are connected with. It shows people your friends have

connections with through family, school, and other community relationships.

Remembering people is important. When you remember people, you pray for

them. When you remember people, you make plans to see them. When you

remember people, you can invite them to cell groups, evangelistic meetings,

prayer groups and worship services. When you remember people, you can make

plans to share the Good News with them.

So what is a relationship map? It is a drawing made on paper. A relationship

map has a circle in the middle of the page with your name in the circle. Then

it has lines going out from your circle to other circles, each with the name of a

person you know who is far from God. Typically, it has your name in the

center, with 5 or 6 names of people who are far from God written and circled

around yours. Then outside those 5 or 6 circles are more lines going out to

people that are connected to your friends. In all, a relationship map may show

the names of 20 people or more.

So how do you use a relationship map? It’s simple. Make and use a relationship

map to pray for the people shown on the map. Except for you, the people

named are people who are far from God. Ask God to give you deeper

connections with each person on your map. Pray for opportunities to share a

Bible story, pray for them, or share your 15-second testimony. Then, by faith,

look for opportunities to get to know these people, to serve them, and to be a

blessing. Trust God to use you to help them know Christ and be born again.

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #RelationshipMap

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