Friday, January 26, 2024

Pray For People


Hi there, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for

village church planters.

One of the primary tasks of all disciple makers and all church planters is to

identify persons of peace. We have talked in other episodes of this podcast

about how to find persons of peace. We’ve talked about telling Bible stories,

sharing our story of salvation using our 15 second testimony, and sharing the

Three Circles Gospel presentation. There is one more powerful way that you

can use to identify a person of peace: Ask someone you know if you can pray

for them. Prayer has the amazing power to bring heaven and earth together.

As we pray, God works. When others see God at work they may want to know

more about how they can know God and have a personal relationship with him.

I remember when I was a church planter in Ecuador. I was asked to go to a

hospital to visit a man that I had never met before. He has been diagnosed

with bladder cancer. We were introduced to each other and began to talk. He

was quite nervous and concerned, as was his wife. I listened to his story about

his recent diagnosis with cancer. He told me that the tests indicated that he

had a malignant tumor the size of an orange growing in his bladder. I shared

that it is always God’s will to heal his children, either in this world or in the

world to come. I briefly shared the Gospel with him and asked him if he would

like to become a child of God and receive the gift of eternal life. He said he

would and so I lead him to pray a prayer confessing his sins and asking Jesus to

forgive him and make him a new person. He and his wife prayed with joy and


Then I asked him if I could pray for his physical healing. He said that yes I

could. So I prayed in faith and with a great sense of love for this man. After he

left the hospital, we met together frequently to study God’s word and pray. He

led his family to faith in Christ. We waited for several weeks for surgery to be

scheduled to remove the tumor. When they tested the tumor to see if it was

malignant, it was not. How we rejoiced! Several months later he was baptized.

You too can find person of peace by praying for people in their time of need. A

good way to find out if people want prayer is to ask them, “What would you

like for God to do for you?” This is a simple question, but it seems to inspire

faith and hope. When you learn what they want God to do, pray in faith.

When the time is right, share the Good News of Jesus and invite your new

friend to be saved.

Prayer is a powerful way to find persons of peace. Who do you want to speak to

this week to ask what they would like for God to do for them?

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #PrayInFaith #PersonOfPeace

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