Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Ambassadors and Church Planting

Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

As a church planter, you have been taught the Four Seed Sower tools. You

know that the reason we make disciples of Jesus is because we are new

creations in Christ and we are his ambassadors. This is the plain teaching of 2

Corinthians 5:17-20.

As a church planter, you have carried out the role of ambassador for Christ very

well. You have gone to a village without a church and talked with the chief and

the elders. You have made friends among unbelieves and introduced them to

the King of Kings, our Lord Jesus. Not only have you introduced people to King

Jesus, you have helped them learn to love him and obey him. You did all this

as you planted a new church where no church had ever been before. You are

to be commended. The work you have done in planting a church is done by

very few Christians. Your brothers and sisters in Christ are grateful for you

work as an ambassador for Christ. God job!

But sometimes we church planters take on the role of ambassador so well that

we don’t feel the need of additional ambassadors. We say to ourselves, “I am

a good evangelist, I will evangelize. I am a good teacher, I will teach. I am a

good leader, I will lead.” Our observations of ourselves are accurate. We are

good evangelists, and teachers, and leaders. We are good ambassadors of

Christ. But our King Jesus wants and needs many, many more ambassadors. It

is our job to not only evangelize and teach and lead, it is our job to train and

equip more ambassadors for Christ.

One of the most important activities you can ever carry out as a follower of

Jesus is to teach your disciples to effectively use the Four Seed Sower Tools.

Teach them to make a relationship map showing the people they know who are

far from God. Teach them to share their 15-second testimony with ease. Help

them learn to ask, “Do you have a story like this?” Help them to listen well and

show respect. Train your people to draw and explain the Three Circles with

confidence and ease. Help them lead people to Christ and teach them to obey

his Seven Basic Commands.

As you train your people to use these four tools, you will be training new

ambassadors for Christ. Some people you train will lead a few people to Christ.

Some will start a cell group. Some will plant a church. And some will multiply

churches. You never know who will be a great ambassador until you train many

people in the basic skills of an ambassador.

Would you take a moment now to name five people you need to train in the

Four Seed Sower Tools? Your nation will be blessed because you did.

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #SeedSowerTools


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