Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The 3 Circles for Daughter Church Planting

 Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 

Have you ever shared the Good News of Jesus by drawing three circles?  What was your experience as you drew the circle describing our broken world and told the story of how our world became broken when we rebelled against God? How did people respond when you asked them “How have you seen brokenness in our world?  What was their response when you asked them how they have seen glimpses of God’s original design for our world?

I love the Three Circles Gospel Presentation. It tells God’s big story in a very simple way. Its simplicity is wonderful.  But you can expand on any part of the story as needed.  I love to expand on the part of the story that is told as we draw the third circle, the one with the cross in the middle. This circle tells the story of God’s love for our broken world. This circle conveys the story of sinful men confronting our Savior. This is the story of his victory over sin and death. This is the story of Jesus and his love. What a great story!

Have you ever used the Three Circles to invite a person to turn from their rebellion against God and put their trust in Christ? I have. What a great privilege. What a great joy when a people understand the Good News and then put their trust in Christ!

Did you know you can share the Three circles with a group of people? You can draw them on a large sheet of paper or use a stick to draw the circles in the sand where everyone can see.

One of the greatest privileges for a Christian is to be sent out by his or her church to find persons of peace and start a new church. Who are you preparing to go out and start a new daughter church?

Sooner or later, when a church planter finds a man or woman who is hungry for God, the church planter will want to share God’s big story. One of the best ways to do this is by using the Three Circles.  We often draw and explain all three circles in just five or 10 minutes. But, we can also use the Three Circles to slowly explain God’s big story over several days or weeks.  When people understand, then you can invite them to turn back to God and crown Jesus as the Lord of their lives.

As you send church planters to new villages to proclaim the Good News and start new churches, help them become skilled in telling God’s big story illustrated by three circles.  God will be with them. He will shine his light into the darkness. He will use their words to draw people to himself. God himself will bring hope and salvation to that new community. This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

To learn more about The Three Circles, follow this link: 

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #ThreeCircles #God’sBigStory

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Trademark of God's Leaders Series - Daniel's Resolve


This is Chuck Rapp with Multiply, a podcast to provide a word of encouragement for village church planters and leaders. 

As we begin a new year, I have begun a new series.  We begin by exploring some of the leadership characteristics of the Old Testament prophet Daniel.  

Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were some of the first Israelites deported to Babylon following the fall of Judah.  In chapter 1, verse 4, he and his friends were described as “young men;” he was probably a teenager at the time.  

As the story unfolds, Daniel and his friends were training for the King’s service and were provided with a diet of Babylonian delicacies.  We read in 1:8, “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine…”  

This word “resolved” captured my attention. What is its meaning?  What are the implications?  Here in my country, at the beginning of a new year many people make what we call “New Year’s Resolutions.” While these are good intentions, most are forgotten by the end of January.  Is it like that where you live? 

However, “resolve” in our text has a much stronger meaning.  To resolve means to decide firmly on a course of action, to determine, and to come to a definite or earnest decision.  In this case, he proposed to the chief official in charge of his care and training that he and the others be provided with an alternative diet that did not include foods forbidden in Jewish dietary law.

Later in chapter 6 we see another example of Daniel’s resolve.  Here, King Darius made a decree that no one was to pray to any god except him. However, Daniel continued his habit of praying three times a day to Jehovah, and this landed him in a den of lions.  Of course, the rest of the story reveals God’s protection over Daniel resulting in King Darius’ proclamation in 6:25-27 that everyone in his kingdom “must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.”  Talk about influence!  

I propose that because Daniel firmly resolved in his heart to live a life that honored God, the result was that Daniel had extraordinary influence (last time I shared that he served about 66 years in the administrations of three Babylonian kings), and that his calling as a prophet was fulfilled.  

I would also propose that the reason that many new year’s resolutions today are quickly forgotten is that they are not God-inspired and therefore not God - anointed.  According to, resolve is anointed when:

The object of our resolve is the Father’s purpose, and

We are reliant on the empowering of the Holy Spirit and not our own strength.  

 Let us be leaders like Daniel, resolved to live lives that honor God.  

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

Pray For People


Hi there, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for

village church planters.

One of the primary tasks of all disciple makers and all church planters is to

identify persons of peace. We have talked in other episodes of this podcast

about how to find persons of peace. We’ve talked about telling Bible stories,

sharing our story of salvation using our 15 second testimony, and sharing the

Three Circles Gospel presentation. There is one more powerful way that you

can use to identify a person of peace: Ask someone you know if you can pray

for them. Prayer has the amazing power to bring heaven and earth together.

As we pray, God works. When others see God at work they may want to know

more about how they can know God and have a personal relationship with him.

I remember when I was a church planter in Ecuador. I was asked to go to a

hospital to visit a man that I had never met before. He has been diagnosed

with bladder cancer. We were introduced to each other and began to talk. He

was quite nervous and concerned, as was his wife. I listened to his story about

his recent diagnosis with cancer. He told me that the tests indicated that he

had a malignant tumor the size of an orange growing in his bladder. I shared

that it is always God’s will to heal his children, either in this world or in the

world to come. I briefly shared the Gospel with him and asked him if he would

like to become a child of God and receive the gift of eternal life. He said he

would and so I lead him to pray a prayer confessing his sins and asking Jesus to

forgive him and make him a new person. He and his wife prayed with joy and


Then I asked him if I could pray for his physical healing. He said that yes I

could. So I prayed in faith and with a great sense of love for this man. After he

left the hospital, we met together frequently to study God’s word and pray. He

led his family to faith in Christ. We waited for several weeks for surgery to be

scheduled to remove the tumor. When they tested the tumor to see if it was

malignant, it was not. How we rejoiced! Several months later he was baptized.

You too can find person of peace by praying for people in their time of need. A

good way to find out if people want prayer is to ask them, “What would you

like for God to do for you?” This is a simple question, but it seems to inspire

faith and hope. When you learn what they want God to do, pray in faith.

When the time is right, share the Good News of Jesus and invite your new

friend to be saved.

Prayer is a powerful way to find persons of peace. Who do you want to speak to

this week to ask what they would like for God to do for them?

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #PrayInFaith #PersonOfPeace

Friday, January 19, 2024

Leave Your Daughter Church Planters with Authority and Responsibilities


Welcome to Multiply, a podcast for Village Church Planters, Pastors and Christian leaders and I am your host today, Daneille Snowden.

To be effective is to be productive, efficient, and even skilled. This is what we do when we pour into the lives of our church planters who are beginning to plant a new church. Trained, experienced church planters and trainers have learned that this is completed successfully, by using a four-step process. Our goal overall is to have good-strong church planters, as the church of Jesus Christ needs more powerful leaders for God’s Kingdom.

The four-step process begins with us modelling before our perspective leader, by being an exceptional example. They will observe our prayers, how we find persons of peace, tell good Bible stories and simply watch us share the Good News with others.

Then we move to the second step, which is assisting our new leaders, as we stay close by them as we go. In this step, we give them plenty of opportunities to minister in the capacities we serve as church planters. As we assist, we simply guide in certain areas that need help and we always affirm them!

The third step in the four-step process is to watch our new leader, as we are still present with them. This even builds the confidence of our students, as they are doing the work.

Lastly, we leave! Sometimes, this is not easy to do. Yet, as we come to this step, we as the mentor have confidence this new leader is ready. We let them go, doing the work God has led & equipped them to do.

This process was important in our first and second generation church plants, and it is even more important to continue within our all our daughter church plants.

Let us continue to hold to this vision, filled also with God’s heart for the Gospel to be preached to all people in all places!

Thank you for listening, and now please share this word of encouragement with others. Find us on Facebook at: ‘Encouragement for Village Church Planters.’ Also, click-on (or find) our website Thank you and God bless!

[See Term 5 Reader - Model Assist Watch and Leave.]

Tell God's Story

 Hi there, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for

village church planters.

The Bible tells the story of God’s interactions with people. Like all good

stories, God’s story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. As a village church

planter, it will be important for you to learn the individual stories of the Bible

as parts of one big, wonderful story. When we learn God’s big story from

beginning to end, we understand it much better than if we just hear

disconnected parts of the story.

But if we are to tell God’s big story, we must tell the beginning of his

interactions with people, the problems that arose in those interactions, and

the way God has addressed those problems and will resolve them.

In the Bible, God’s story starts with the eternal God creating the world and

people. In addition to people, God’s story involves Satan, demons, and angels.

God’s story tells about Adam and Eve’s disobedience. It describes the suffering

that resulted from their separation from God. God’s story emphasizes God’s

plan to bless all nations on earth through Abraham and his descendants.

It tells how Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world, just as the prophets

foretold. It communicates that Jesus came to save us from our sins. God’s story

relates Jesus’ teaching and shows his loving actions, which brought healing and

deliverance from the power of demons. It tells of Jesus’ death, burial, and


God’s story includes stories about groups of Jesus’ followers called churches. It

tells how people started churches among many nations. God’s story has an

ending, which we have not yet experienced. The last part of God’s story

includes Jesus’ second coming and the final judgment of people. That

judgment will result in some people experiencing eternal death separated from

God and others receiving eternal life in the presence of God. God’s story is

powerful. Its power changes lives.

As a Village Church Planter it is important for you to know God’s story well.

So read you Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Watch the Jesus Film in your

local language. Get to know God’s story very well. As you begin to understand

God’s big story better and better your faith will grow and you will gain wisdom.

Tell God’s story to others. God’s story is a love story from beginning to end. It

is a story which is full of tragedy, but it is also a story which is full of hope.

When the people you’re helping follow Jesus understand God’s big story, they

will be strong in the face of adversity. They will be courageous in the face of

difficulties and challenges. They will be bold witnesses for Christ. You are a

village church planter. There are few ministry activities more important than

the telling of God’s story. So learn it well and even more importantly, tell it


This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #BibleStoryTelling

The Trademark of God's Leaders Series - Faithful Over a Long Duration


This is Chuck Rapp with Multiply, a podcast to provide a word of encouragement for village church planters and leaders.

As we begin a new year, I want to begin a new series. In this episode and the next several, I want to look at some of the leadership characteristics of the Old Testament prophet Daniel.

Daniel and his friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were some of the first Israelites deported to Babylon following the fall of Judah. In chapter 1, verse 4, he is described as a “young man;” he was probably a teenager at the time.

His was undoubtedly a difficult situation.

 His nation had been disobedient to Jehovah,

 Consequently, they had been defeated by the Babylonians

 He and others were deported from Jerusalem to Babylon, a distance of more than 1400 kilometers

 He did not know the language or customs of the Babylonians

And yet … scripture makes no mention of Daniel being in despair. There is no record of any complaints. His is certainly an example for us to follow.

However, in this podcast I want to focus upon something else that greatly impresses me about Daniel … his complete faithfulness to the Lord over a very long period of time.

The Bible, and historians, record that the fall of Jerusalem occurred in 605 BC. Shortly thereafter he began a three-year training period for service under King Nebuchadnezzar. Years later he served under King Belshazzar, and even later he continued to serve in the King’s court; this time under Darius.

Daniel 9:1 makes reference to the first year in the reign of King Darius, and, again, historians tell us that this took place in 539 or 538 BC. Let’s do some quick math. Daniel, a foreigner, and a Jew, served approximately 66 years under three Babylonian kings!

How is this possible? I believe that chapter 6, verses 4-5 provide the explanation.

“At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally, these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.””

Daniel was faithful in his work (trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent), and he was faithful to his God (to the point of being thrown into a den of hungry lions).

As we begin a new year, I want to encourage us to be faithful like Daniel. Be faithful over a long period of time. Press on in the King’s service. Demonstrate trustworthiness. Avoid negligence and corruption. Let us honor God in all we are and in all we do.

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Tell Your Story

   Hi there, my name is Dean Davis, and this is a word of encouragement for

village church planters.

When I first began to understand the Good News of Jesus, I was fascinated by

the testimonies of other believers. They would tell how God delivered them

from drugs and alcohol, how God healed their marriage or restored their

relationship with family members. Others would testify of the deep sense of

peace they found when they gave their life to Christ. Still others mentioned

how great it was to know that their sins were forgiven and that they belonged

to Jesus.

Hearing the stories of how Jesus was changing their lives helped me wake up

spiritually. Their stories gave me a hunger for God. I wanted to know him and

experience his kind, loving, healing work in my life.

As a Village Church Planter, you have learned several ways to find persons of

peace. You can share a word of blessing and hope in Jesus’ name and see how

people respond. You can tell a Bible story and see if those who listen want to

know more. You can pray for people and see how they respond to God’s answer

to your prayer. There are many ways to find persons of peace.

A good way to find persons of peace is to share your testimony, your story of

how God has worked in your life. This is what the Apostle Paul did when he

was on trial before King Agrippa. The story from Paul’s life that he told the

King is recorded in Acts chapter 26. Paul was clearly hoping the King would

respond to his story and follow Jesus. Even though Agrippa did not respond in a

positive way, Paul was faithful to tell what the Lord had done for him.

You have a story too. I’m sure it does not seem as dramatic as Paul’s. But

your story is real and it is true and it belongs to you. Share it for the glory of

God. You don’t need to be afraid or ashamed. God has worked in your life.

Tell other people about it. You never know when you might find a person of


One of the best way to start telling your story is to tell it in 15 seconds. Your

15 second testimony starts with the word, “There was a time in my life…”

Those are powerful words, “There was a time in my life...” When you speak

those simple words, people listen to find out more. So share your 15 second

testimony. Tell about your old life. Tell what Jesus has done for you. Tell

how your life has changed. Then listen as people answer your closing question:

“Do you have a story like that?”

Your story is real and it is true and it belongs to you. Your story is powerful.

Tell it well and tell it often.

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters #15SecondTestimony

Model Daughter Church Planting

 Hello, this is Multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders. I am Brad Snowden I am so thankful that Jesus has modeled a very simple plan for us “Follow me.” 

The development of lives transformed does not happen by mistake or by accident. These are brought to maturity by an intentional heart to pour out unto others lives so that they both can be fruitful in God’s work. To model something well it is intentionally being seen not so that one might be lifted as something great but just the opposite. We model humility for without the Holy Spirit’s guidance we would be lost and without fruit in our own lives. To model is to allow the works of God to be seen as a testimony of His faithfulness. In the life of the Jesus with His disciples many times they would miss what He was trying to do and then it was time for Him to sit alone with them and assist them by giving a greater understanding in depth or in a way that they could understand. I am so thankful that when my wife and I started out in the ministry that we had ones who could assist by giving us wisdom, understanding and teachings from an example they modeled. We all need assistance, and it is not a shameful thing. It is a great blessing from God to give us a strength that will add to our lives and ministry. Jesus continually assisted His disciples at every step not to live for them but to make sure they understood so they could then teach with fruit. Jesus also came to the place where He had to allow that which he taught them to grow so that they could then be the offspring of His ministry. If we are to cultivate young leaders to be just that, leaders in the next generation church plant, we must be intentional in taking his hands off. We must be intentional in our trust that what was taught will come out and God’s guidance will bring out the fruit desired. Except you will not be the hand reaping it but the ones that you have modeled life before. It is not easy being a parent but oh it is so rewarding to see God working in the next generation.

 We must trust God that He has His way in every part of this process for His glory. This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters. Who will you share this with today?

Prayer Walking For Daughter Church Planting


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

As church planters, we are ambassadors for Christ. We help people be

reconciled to God. We share the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

We help people draw near to God by expressing repentance for their sins and

by trusting in the blood of Christ to cleanse them from all unrighteousness.

But with whom do we share this Good News? As village church planters, you go

to villages that do not have churches. Sometimes you find in that village a

friend from school or a person you buy from or sell to in the market.

Sometimes you meet a person you have gotten to know at a wedding or a

funeral. Sometimes you simply greet people and begin talking to them. Soon

your conversation turns to Jesus and his power to save and to heal.

There are many ways to get to know people in a village without a church. And

everyone you meet is connected to other people. Sometimes your friends and

acquaintances are not ready to respond to the Good News, but their friends

and family members are.

A good way to remember all the people you know in a new village is to create a

relationship map. A relationship map will also help you remember the people

who your friends are connected with. It shows people your friends have

connections with through family, school, and other community relationships.

Remembering people is important. When you remember people, you pray for

them. When you remember people, you make plans to see them. When you

remember people, you can invite them to cell groups, evangelistic meetings,

prayer groups and worship services. When you remember people, you can make

plans to share the Good News with them.

So what is a relationship map? It is a drawing made on paper. A relationship

map has a circle in the middle of the page with your name in the circle. Then

it has lines going out from your circle to other circles, each with the name of a

person you know who is far from God. Typically, it has your name in the

center, with 5 or 6 names of people who are far from God written and circled

around yours. Then outside those 5 or 6 circles are more lines going out to

people that are connected to your friends. In all, a relationship map may show

the names of 20 people or more.

So how do you use a relationship map? It’s simple. Make and use a relationship

map to pray for the people shown on the map. Except for you, the people

named are people who are far from God. Ask God to give you deeper

connections with each person on your map. Pray for opportunities to share a

Bible story, pray for them, or share your 15-second testimony. Then, by faith,

look for opportunities to get to know these people, to serve them, and to be a

blessing. Trust God to use you to help them know Christ and be born again.

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #RelationshipMap

Ambassadors and Church Planting

Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

As a church planter, you have been taught the Four Seed Sower tools. You

know that the reason we make disciples of Jesus is because we are new

creations in Christ and we are his ambassadors. This is the plain teaching of 2

Corinthians 5:17-20.

As a church planter, you have carried out the role of ambassador for Christ very

well. You have gone to a village without a church and talked with the chief and

the elders. You have made friends among unbelieves and introduced them to

the King of Kings, our Lord Jesus. Not only have you introduced people to King

Jesus, you have helped them learn to love him and obey him. You did all this

as you planted a new church where no church had ever been before. You are

to be commended. The work you have done in planting a church is done by

very few Christians. Your brothers and sisters in Christ are grateful for you

work as an ambassador for Christ. God job!

But sometimes we church planters take on the role of ambassador so well that

we don’t feel the need of additional ambassadors. We say to ourselves, “I am

a good evangelist, I will evangelize. I am a good teacher, I will teach. I am a

good leader, I will lead.” Our observations of ourselves are accurate. We are

good evangelists, and teachers, and leaders. We are good ambassadors of

Christ. But our King Jesus wants and needs many, many more ambassadors. It

is our job to not only evangelize and teach and lead, it is our job to train and

equip more ambassadors for Christ.

One of the most important activities you can ever carry out as a follower of

Jesus is to teach your disciples to effectively use the Four Seed Sower Tools.

Teach them to make a relationship map showing the people they know who are

far from God. Teach them to share their 15-second testimony with ease. Help

them learn to ask, “Do you have a story like this?” Help them to listen well and

show respect. Train your people to draw and explain the Three Circles with

confidence and ease. Help them lead people to Christ and teach them to obey

his Seven Basic Commands.

As you train your people to use these four tools, you will be training new

ambassadors for Christ. Some people you train will lead a few people to Christ.

Some will start a cell group. Some will plant a church. And some will multiply

churches. You never know who will be a great ambassador until you train many

people in the basic skills of an ambassador.

Would you take a moment now to name five people you need to train in the

Four Seed Sower Tools? Your nation will be blessed because you did.

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #SeedSowerTools


Steward Leadership - The Parable of the Talents, Part 2

  This is Chuck Rapp with Multiply, a podcast to provide a word of encouragement for village church planters and leaders.  As this is a new ...