Monday, December 11, 2023

Proverbs To Live By Part 1

 Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

The book of Proverbs is like no other in the Old Testament and similar only to

the Book of James in the New Testament. The book of Proverbs is a collection

of sayings gathered by King Solomon. And it has a very clear purpose. The

Proverbs were published by Solomon so that those who read and hear them

could gain wisdom and receive instruction in prudent behavior.

Solomon wanted to give “prudence to the simple.” But who are the simple,

and what is prudence? I used to think that the simple were the uneducated or

those who lacked intelligence. But that is not who Solomon is talking about

when he mentions the simple. Simple people are those who are undecided.

They do good sometimes and they do evil sometimes. They don’t know what

they should do. Another name for the simple is double-minded. They are not

sure about what they believe so they are easily led astray. In contrast, wise

people, prudent people, know what is right and do what is right.

Solomon did not want the people of his kingdom to be simple and we as church

planters do not want the people of our churches to be simple. But we have to

admit, being simple and double-minded is the normal human condition. Just

look at the very beginning of human history. Eve was simple. She didn’t hate

God. She did not love evil. But she was easily led astray by the serpent and his

lies. Adam too was simple. When his wife offered him the fruit that God had

said he must not eat, Adam simply took it and ate it. Our simple-minded

ancestors lacked wisdom when they disobeyed God and the negative

consequences of their poor decisions affect us to this day.

So, how can the Proverbs of Solomon help villagers who are simple? How can

proverbs help those who are undecided about doing what is right come to

choose the right path?

Proverbs are best appreciated by slow reflection. Proverbs are designed to

shape our character. One of the best ways to allow proverbs to convert us

from being simple to being wise is to memorize them. Proverbs that are

memorized are available for our meditation when we are traveling, and when

we are resting. Such meditation on a memorized proverb prepares us for those

times when we face hard decisions. But pity men and women who face hard

decisions, but do not have wisdom stored up in their heart. They may get lucky

and do the right thing, but in all likelihood, their simple ways will lead to

foolish decisions and consequently loss, suffering, and shame.

So fill your heart and mind with proverbs. Teach them to your church members.

Quote them often. Let their wisdom transform your people from simple to


This has been “Multiply,” and I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this

encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #Proverbs

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