Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Model, Assist, Watch, and Leave

 Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

Two of the greatest values that carry on from African parents to African

children to children’s children are the values of hard work and respect. But

how are these values transferred from mother to daughter and from father to

son? Do parents gather their children to give them classes about the

importance of hard work and the need to show respect to other people? No, or

course not.

These values are transferred the same way skills are transferred, by first

modeling the way, and secondly through conversation after the way has been

modeled. Almost all Village church planters are farmers or at least worked on

the farm when they were children. How did they learn to cultivate the soil and

care for the crops they planted? Their parents modeled the way. Then, little

by little, the children began following the example of the parents.

Church multiplication is work that is inspired by strong values and carried out

by applying specific skills effectively. We value the Word of God and the saving

work of Christ. We believe in the forgiveness of sins and the transformation of

human life by the power of Holy Spirit. We honor the church as a community of

Christ followers who love God and neighbor.

But church multiplication is more than good values. Effective church

multiplication requires church planters to exercise effective skills. In VCP, we

need to be able to tell God’s big story clearly and share our story through a 15-

second testimony. We need to be able to share God’s plan of salvation by

drawing the Three Circles. Effective church planters need to be able to teach

their disciples to obey the Seven Basic Commands of Christ. We need to be able

to use open questions to train new disciples of Jesus and to coach them as they

begin taking on ministry responsibilities. These skills are essential skills for

church planters.

You are a church planting parent. You are the spiritual father or the spiritual

mother of your disciples. If they are going to learn to multiply disciple, leaders

and churches, they will have to learn from your example. So take your

disciples with you when you minister. Model the way clearly. Then, as you

return home, talk about what your disciple saw you do. Next time, let your

disciple minister with your assistance. Then, as you return home talk about

what you saw your disciple do. Affirm, encourage, and correct. Soon you will

simply accompany and watch your disciple work. But always debrief their

 experience. Ask your disciple after they practice church planting skills “What

went well? What will you do differently next time?” Soon you will be able to

leave the ministry responsibility with your disciple.

Model, assist, watch, and leave. This is how parents raise hardworking

successful children. Model, assist, watch, and leave. This is how you will raise

fruitful church planters.

This has been “Multiply,” and I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this

encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #LeadByExample


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