Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Spiritual Gifts: Romans 12


Welcome to Multiply; a podcast to encourage and teach church planters and Church leaders. I am your host today, Daneille Snowden.

In Romans 12 Paul lists seven gifts that many theologians have categorize as motivational gifts. They are:

Prophesying= which is a speaking forth a new message from God to His people.

Serving= involves providing service of any kind, in the Greek (diakonian) it means deacon.

Teaching= One who can clearly instruct and communicate knowledge, specifically the doctrines of faith.

Encouraging= Those who consistently call upon others to heed and follow God’s truth. This may involve correction or building others up by strengthening those who are weak in faith or comforting others in their trials.

Giving= Joyfully sharing what they have with others, who are concerned for their needs, and then seeking opportunities to share.

Leadership= Ones who rules with wisdom and grace, plus exhibits the fruit of the Spirit in his or her life as they lead by example.

And last:

Mercy= One who is compassionate, sympathetic and shows sympathy; desiring to lessen one’s suffering.

They are called motivational gifts because each one listed gives us a reason to act upon them. When we are motivated, we have “an incentive or a strong desire to do well!” This makes complete since because these gifts are given by God Almighty Who is the Creator of the Universe! By His grace and power, He gifts individuals who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure {Philippians 2:13}

 In addition, Paul specifically commends each person to not think too highly of themselves (Romans 12:3) as we apply our gifts in life. “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” {Philippians 2:3}

In the first part of Romans 12:9 we read that, “Love is to be sincere and active…” As we enact the gifts of motivation listed in this passage, and for each gift to be effective it all must be inspired and done in love! Love is felt deeply in the hearts of all men, women, and children. When people give out of duty, and not God’s Love; it is not felt deep in the souls of those receiving. My husband and I have worked with the homeless, and those who suffer from addictions. They are hungry, lonely, and simply tired. They feel alone and unloved. We have witnessed organizations and individuals who help them and do so by duty and sometimes pride. Those suffering share with us that they can feel the difference between those who give that way and those who do so in LOVE. They tell us that they indeed can FEEL God’s Love when we serve them. Let us be filled to overflowing with the Love of God as we are living out God’s perfect will in our lives as we serve, teach, encourage, give, lead, and share His mercy.

This has been Multiply, will you share this podcast with others? You can find this podcast and many more on Thank you and God bless!

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