Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Spiritual Gifts - 1 Corinthians 14

 Hello this is Multiply; a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders. I am Brad Snowden and today we will look at 1 Corinthians 14:1-25. The Apostle Paul speaks of cultivating your spiritual gifts. The need to cultivate the ground is very important especially when the tender plants are first growing. This is especially important to make sure the ground is free from those things that could rob nutrients from the young plants. If we desire spiritual fruit the same care must be intentionally focused upon our hearts in order to ensure a good harvest. I believe that as church planters and even as followers of Christ we can have a goal that every word and action be so that the church might benefit from everything we do. The Lord leads by the guidance of the Holy Spirit to give wisdom to fully use a willing vessel to build up each member of the church. Spiritual gifts are a conduit for the church to show God's love and grace to one another. Followers of Jesus are to earnestly desire spiritual gifts and specifically to use their words to build up one another in the faith. 

Verse 3 says but the one who prophesies speaks to people for edification to promote their spiritual growth and speaks words of encouragement to uphold and advise them concerning the matters of God and speaks words of consolation to compassionately comfort them. 

We must promote healthy spiritual growth in spiritual wisdom, devotion, holiness, and joy that comes when we are using the gifts to encourage one another motivated by love for the Lord and each other.

The joy that we can share in what God has given us is when we can see healthy growth spiritually in others and this is our goal as we look at this particular scripture. I love to see things being built because that means there is progress because of the hard work being put into that project. The building is a process and so it is in the spiritual growth and so we also need God’s love and patience in the spiritual growth of others in our spiritual communities. When we are used in the gift of prophecy it is to build up and edify. Edification simply means to encourage and what better gift is needed as a church planter and leader than that of encouragement. The next blessing in this portion of scripture is the joy of being a comfort to someone in need. Comfort has the idea of not only consoling, but also strengthening. It doesn’t just cry with someone hurting, it puts its arms around them and strengthens them to carry the load. I know that as we continue to strive toward being used in such a way that glorifies God, He will strengthen those around us and allow us to accomplish His plan. We can be blessed when we see this type of growth in those we serve in love and humility. 

This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters Who will you share this podcast with today.

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