Friday, September 22, 2023

How the Spirit Produces Fruit

 Hello, this is Multiply! A podcast for church planters, pastors, and Christian leaders. I am your host today, Daneille Snowden.

Fruit contains seeds and most fruit is sweet and is enjoyed as a refreshing food. My favorite fruit is berries. They are sweet and oh so juicy. There are many nutrients in fruit that better our health, and even helps us fight diseases plus viruses. God didn’t stop there with fruit, he made sure we would never run out of it! How? By placing a seed within the fruit to plant, reproducing even more fruit. Take apple trees for example, on average one tree can produce 200 to 300 apples, and an older tree the same size produces up to eight hundred apples per tree. 

In Galatians 5:22-23 it says: “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” 

How does the fruit of the Spirit reproduce? For me, the answer is simple! As we seek the Lord, worship Him and feast upon His Word, this fruit will be a part of our lives. The Fruit of the Spirit reproduced is not of us. Our human devices are listed just a couple verses before, in verses 19-20 (please read). 

 He will give us joy! Joy is contagious, another words that joy will reproduce. Each part of the fruit listed becomes a part of who we are through the Holy Spirit. He gives us a deep love, that we in turn can give out to others. There is Self-control, with the help of the Holy Spirit we can have power over evil temptations, and even over ourselves. 

When we eat fruit, it is full of nutrients that becomes a part of our body, flowing into our cells and blood. As the Holy Spirit flows, His fruit will multiply within our own soul and even mind. Changing us for His Glory! We will walk in peace and strength. We will shine a light and send a message to others as they see and even hear the Holy Spirit’s presence! Then, they too will be touched and be led to seek the Lord, thus we will witness the power of multiplication in the Spirit. Let us rejoice that God has designed this too, as we will never run out of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit!

Will you share this word with others? Also, find us on our website Multiply is also on several podcast channels.

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