Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Power to be Jesus' Witnesses

 Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 

God’s word is full of promises to bless and guide his children. One promise which gripped me when I was a young Christian is found in Acts 1:8.  Just before Jesus ascended to heaven, he made an astounding promise to his disciples.  

Jesus said to them, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." As a young Christian, I wanted this power.  I saw others in my church who shared their faith and led people to Christ. I wanted to do the same. But I was so ineffective. I had two problems. I was reluctant, almost afraid, to speak of Christ. And I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what to say to get a spiritual conversation started and I didn’t know what to say to respond well to the person I was talking to.  

But I really wanted power to be Jesus witness and I really wanted to bear fruit for Christ.  So I prayed for power.  I looked for power.  I wanted the Holy Spirit to give me the same kind of power that Peter exhibited when he spoke to the crowd on the day of Pentecost.

I suspect that you and your disciples also want this Holy Spirit power to be witnesses for Christ.  The good news is that Christ has promised it to you.  So, let me encourage you in your prayer life as you pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to be a witness for Christ. Remember, before the day of Pentecost, 120 disciples, men and women spent long days in prayer.  You pray too for the Spirit to empower you.

First, pray for yourself to have greater love for the people who surround you.  As Jesus fills you with love and compassion, you will speak more of him.  As Jesus puts empathy in your heart for people who live their life without Christ, you will be motivated to share the Good News.  Such love was on display when Peter spoke on Pentecost to the very people who had crucified his Teacher and Lord. (Acts 2:36).  That love came from the work of the Holy Spirit in Peter’s heart. He did not condemn. He lovingly pointed the way to the Savior.

Secondly, pray for boldness to speak.  Ask God to give you boldness to open your mouth to speak about Jesus.  Many people find that the hardest part of evangelism is getting started. I know this is true for me.  When I was a young Christian, I thought I had to prepare in my mind every word I would say as a witness for Christ.  I was so afraid of making a mistake or of missing an opportunity. But I needn’t have feared. God does the work. When we speak of Christ, when we ask open questions, when we are prepared to share the Good News using the Three Circles or other Gospel presentation, God does the work. John 6:44 tells us that God works though us drawing men and women to the Savior. So relax and let God do his loving work.

Do you want to be a Spirit-empowered witness for Christ?  

Pray for greater love for the people around you.

Pray for boldness to open your mouth and speak of Christ.

Ask open questions.

Be ready to share the Good News using the Three Circles or another Gospel presentation.

Don’t be tense. Relax and let God do his work through you.

As you take these steps of faith, God will make you a powerful witness for Christ.

This has been “Multiply,” and I’m Dean Davis asking, who will you share this encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #WitnessForChrist #Acts1-8

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