Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Marriage Series - Marriage Series - Practice Hospitality


In this podcast, as we are continuing with our Marriage Series we shall look into the area of hospitality. Let’s look at Romans 12:13 in the amplified version which says: “…contributing to the needs of God’s people, pursuing [the practice of] hospitality.”

Contributing within our marriages is a big one, isn’t it? It’s doing ‘our-part’ to make the family dynamics flow smoothly. Sometimes, we all do forget to do our part to help the household flow, as we must try to ease off the burden of our spouse to simply put into words; ‘to be a blessing!’

When we contribute to the needs of others, including our family, we are showing hospitality.

In the Bible, hospitality is to be done with action and love. Let’s read the verses that preceded our scripture in Romans 12  

9” Love is to be sincere and active. Hate what is evil; hold on tightly to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another with [authentic] brotherly affection [as members of one family], give preference to one another in honor; 11 never lagging behind in diligence; aglow in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord; 12 constantly rejoicing in hope, steadfast and patient in distress, devoted to prayer, 13 contributing to the needs of God’s people, pursuing [the practice of] hospitality.”

This can only truly be done EFFECTIVIELY as it is done in LOVE! As stated in this scripture, this is completed with a sincere love that not only verbally says we love others but shows it too. 

Another definition of hospitality in the Greek is to love strangers. When we invite others into our home and show them loving hospitality, does it already exist in our homes between us and our spouse? Is loving hospitality flowing beautifully so much so that when others come into our homes it naturally flows as part of our daily marriage & family dynamic?  

By taking a small peek into our little home, you will see my husband lovingly make me coffee, without ever being asked and even carrying it downstairs to my office. It doesn’t have to be this way yet, he is showing love as he serves sacrificially, all just for me. I love to help him by cooking, washing his clothes and bringing him a glass of water when he is thirsty from working. 

The best of all hospitable acts is when we pray for one another! This is a service too, by gently grabbing the hand of our spouse and praying for him or her. 

Now, according to 1 Peter 4:9; this is to be done without grumbling: Right? When we lay ourselves down to serve our Lord Jesus, we also do so by serving one another. If you have children still living in your home, this is how they can learn about selflessness, serving others and teaching what hospitality should look like. 

Allow me to give you a challenge; pray about how you can better serve and be hospitable to your spouse? Allow God to show you areas that need improving. Ask your spouse how you can better serve them in this capacity. And one more, pray together and ask the Lord who He wants you to bring into your home to show a Christ-like hospitality to. 

This has been Multiply, help us to be heard and bless even more people you may know. Share this with them and encourage all to follow us on Facebook (Encouragement for Village Church Planters), YouTube (VCPencouragement OMS) and on our website; 

Thank you and God bless!

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