Saturday, June 17, 2023

Marriage Series - Bear with One Another Part 1


Hello! This is Multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters, pastors, and Christian leaders. I am your host, Daneille Snowden.

Continuing in our series on marriage; we want to delve into

Colossians 3:13 that says: “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

This should be a #1 priority for family, especially between husbands and wives. The longer we live with one another, couples tend to lay this aside.

‘To Bear With’ means to be patient! I also say; ‘Give each other a benefit-of-the-doubt.’ This means: “to believe something good about someone, rather than something bad, or to trust someone even though you are not certain about the truth.”

Before we conclude what, our spouses are saying, listen to their heart, then wait and even listen to the Holy Spirit. Plus, also: always forgive!

This is even how we become un-offended! And then God’s Peace will indeed reign over & heal the situation!

This is a form of communication, as we are being patient with one another, and truly listening.

Any type of miscommunication creates conflict, and conflict can inhibit God’s work plus, destroy relationships. Communication goes two different ways.

(1) Speaking clearly, in a concise manner and

(2) Listening with great patience, clarifying that we understood what was said to us.

In addition, I add that all communication be done with grace!

Oh, that Grace that brings great peace, healing and flow in relationships and the work we all do for Jesus!

In August of this year (2023), my husband and I will be married for 35 years. To be quite honest, we walked this lesson through repeatedly. I look back and wish I could tell my young self to simply BE PATIENT, to LISTEN, and to HAVE GRACE. When we pastored and counselled couples, this lesson right-here is the common thread for marriage conflict. The disputes all happen when husbands and wives are not patient, they’re not talking or listening to one another, they’re simply being easily offended, and then not showing grace.   

Yet, God has provided great instruction how to overcome, and even be better in our relationship with one another. We do this all in His love.

(Read Ephesians 4:2)

Thank you so much for listening today! Will you share this podcast with others? Also, find us on Facebook at Encouragement for Village Church Planters + YouTube; click FOLLOW and Share the page with others.


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