Thursday, May 25, 2023

Marriage Series - The Wife Must Respect Her Husband Part 1


Welcome to Multiply, a podcast to encourage church planters, pastors, and Christian leaders; and I am your host today, Daneille Snowden.

Ephesians 5:33 says: “…and the wife [must see to it] that she respects and delights in her husband [that she notices him and prefers him and treats him with loving concern, treasuring him, honoring him, and holding him dear].

 I love reading the amplified translation of this verse where it says that the wife RESPECTS and DELIGHTS in her husband.

Respect is a rare characteristic to be seen in the time and days we all live in. I truly believe that when others see how we show respect to our spouse, they take notice, simply because it’s powerful and rare, especially in the family unit. When we show disrespect in our marriage relationship, it quickly then becomes an impression on our own children’s characters as well. When we respect our husbands, we place them into the highest of regard and esteem.

My mother Mary, who was a pastor and a pastor’s wife highly honored my father (as he sacrificially loved her – see Ephesians 5:25); when he came home, I could see her eyes glisten as she prepared his meal and greeted him at the door. She loved to be with him all the time, he was her true love that she simply adored.

My fellow wives, respecting your husbands, displays your love and how you prefer him over yourself. This is seen in how you look at him, listen to him and admire him.

When I think of the word DELIGHT, written in this verse; I can almost feel a feeling-of-excitement. To delight is to have great joy and pleasure.

I know I am my husband’s priority, and he will do and has done so much for me. He has and still does show me the example of Jesus Christ’s agape (unconditional) love. It’s not hard for me to admire him, respect him, and delight in him. With Jesus as the center of our relationship, we are connected so close in this powerful bond. Fellow wives, sometimes we do have days where we just don’t feel like or want to respect our husbands. But if we are filled with the Love of Jesus; and walk by the Spirit we can take the actions to show the respect and honor our husbands need. I say need, for it is a type of love language we wives can give to our spouse.

This has been Multiply, will you share this with someone today? And find us on Facebook- Encouragement for Village Church Planters, also on YouTube and as always on our website at






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