Thursday, May 18, 2023

Marriage Series - Build Each Other Up Part 2

 Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 

Last week I shared with you all about the importance of husbands and wives building each

other up with our words. In the world, we often hear discouraging words; sometimes we are 

insulted and even threatened by the words of others. But

our homes should be a place of refuge, a place of safety and a place of

respect. When husbands and wives use encouraging, edifying words to build

each other up, homes become places of peace and tranquility. Not only do

parents experience peace, but their children do as well.

So husbands and wives should build each other up by the words we speak. But

there are two other ways to build each other up that I would like to mention

today. One way to edify your spouse is to pray for him or her. Better yet, pray

with your husband or wife. Pray specifically for your partner’s health and

wellbeing. Pray for your spouse to be successful as he or she works to achieve

goals on the farm, in business, in school, and in church planting. Pray with

faith. Express your love for your mate out loud in prayer to God. As you do so,

you with strengthen your spouse; together your faith in the goodness of God

will grow and you both will be built up in the Lord. Pray together. Make sure,

when you pray together you pray lovingly with faith and hope. Be sure to pray

for one another by name.

Let me encourage you, when you pray together as husband wife, take each

other’s hands as you pray. Hold each other by the hand and pray. As you do

this, you will say by your action, “We are connected. We are together. We love

each other. We have been united by God in marriage.” When you hold hands as

husband and wife and pray together, you are saying by your action, “Lord, we

agree in prayer. Hear our prayer according to your promise in Matthew 18:19.

Jesus, you said, “Truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about

anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Try it

out. Build each other up in prayer by praying together holding hands.

Another way to build up your husband or wife is by encouraging him or her in

personal growth and development. Men and women have goals. Husbands and

wives have goals for their children. Individually they have goals to study, learn,

develop their businesses, develop their farm, make disciples, plant churches,

and start new ministries in the churches. None of these goals is easy to

achieve. When a married person faces difficulty in achieving a goal, he or she

needs the encouragement and edification from their mate. Husbands and wives

can build each other up through coaching. Listen, care, celebrate. Understand

your spouse’s goals. Understand the challenges and difficulties they are facing

as well as the opportunities. When your spouse faces obstacles, gently,

respectfully help him or her consider options and make plans to move forward.

Be sure to celebrate together when goals are met and objectives are achieved.

In this way, you will build each other up. You will strengthen your marriage.

Together you will glorify God. Together you will be strong in the Lord and in

the strength of his might!

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this

encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #Edify #Coach

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