Thursday, May 11, 2023

Marriage Series - Be On Your Guard Against Divorce Part 2

Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

Last week we thought about God’s declaration through the prophet Malachi.  The Lord says to all who are married, “Be on your guard, do not be unfaithful.”  So we considered ways to be faithful to the wife God has given us. We emphasized the importance of completely avoiding sexual and emotional bonding with any other woman. We said to both husbands and wives “Do not be unfaithful; do not bond with a person who is not your spouse.”


When we teach others to follow Christ, it is easy to say, “Do not sin. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not be unfaithful.”  But it is harder to say, “Here is what you should do to live a life that pleases God. Here is what you should do to live a life that is blessed by God.  Here is what you should do to live the abundant life Christ bought for you.”  But as church planters, it is critical that we give positive instruction, not just negative warning.  


God in his grace gives us insight into what he has in mind for marriage. In Malachi 2:14 he speaks to the men of Israel telling them why he no longer accepts their offerings. His reason is this, “You have been unfaithful to [your wife], though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.”


Here is a great insight. It teaches all of us how to live faithfully. We must view our spouse as our partner, our permanent partner.  God says, “She is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.”  


So what is a partner? Partners are people who have shared resources and shared goals. Partners work together to achieve their shared goals.  Do you know what your wife’s goals are?  Women, do you know what your husband’s goals are?  Have you ever sat down and talked about what is truly important to your spouse? Have you listened intently and really worked to understand your spouse’s goals?  As husbands and wives you are partners. As partners, you have shared goals. What are they?  

Husbands and wives should have goals related to each other’s health and welfare. They should have goals related to their children and their children’s welfare.  Christian husbands and wives should have shared goals related to their service to the Lord and ministry in and through their church.  These goals should be communicated to each other with clarity.  These goals should become a matter of prayer. These goals should result in coordinated action so they can be achieved.


But before you can begin to work together to achieve those shared goals, you have to know what is truly important in life to your husband or wife. So here is my word of encouragement to husbands and wives today. Take time to talk about your goals and aspirations. Listen to the wife of your youth. Understand what she longs for. Pray with her, support her in the godly goals the Lord has placed in her heart. Wives, listen to your husband. His goals may seem confusing to you at first. But listen. He is your partner. When you understand his God-given goals, affirm them. Pray with him for his goals to be achieved. Help him. You are his partner.  When you understand your husband or wife to be your partner, your life partner, with whom you achieve heartfelt, God-given goals, faithfulness becomes much easier. Honor your spouse as your partner and enjoy the blessings of God.


This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

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