Monday, April 10, 2023

Marriage Series - One Man, One Woman


Hello this is Multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders. I am Brad Snowden.  It is such a blessing that God gives us His word that we may understand how to live.  Ephesians 5:31 says For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined faithfully devoted to His wife, and the two shall become one flesh. 

I know that in each one of our lives we have faced, are facing, or will face great difficulties. God has already planned for this and has given us the tools to overcome. I also know that God knew that I could not face the difficulties alone. It was only by His Grace that He allowed me to meet the one person on this earth that was created for many things but one of the most important for me was she was going to be my help meet. This same scriptural thought in Matthew 19:5 it says inseparably to his wife. I do not think this means physically but spiritually together as one. We are blessed to have our wife as our greatest physical and spiritual gift here on this earth. The most powerful prayer times I have ever had, is  when my wife and I agree in prayer. Church planter the most powerful tool that God will use is by your side every step of your life here on this earth. We will find that when we are devoted to our marriage God will work wonders in our lives  I love when God says I have a key that will unlock a door that will flood you with a great blessing. 

BE DEVOTED in other words, be dedicated, devout, dutiful, caring, concerned. When we realize God’s plan as He created man and woman this was for His power to be experienced. When we stand on His blessings and we are dedicated to caring and loving our spouse then God’s peace can reign. We are to love each other depend on each other and grow spiritually strong with each other as Jesus is with His bride the church. Church planters be devoted in your relationship with the Lord then be devoted to your wife and family. We have  His word and  His Holy Spirit to take what we are and use it we will experience a ministry that will glorify Him everywhere we go.

 Church planter and pastor when your relationship is growing in the Lord and His word, so will your relationship with your wife and this is what the Lord will bless. This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters.  I ask who will you share this with today?

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