Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Marriage Series - Be On Your Guard Against Divorce Part 1

Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

My older daughter is getting married in a little less than two weeks. Our whole

family is so excited! We are so happy for our daughter and so delighted that

she will soon join a wonderful Christian man in marriage. The preparations for

her marriage are many and complex. Now, every culture goes through those

preparations in slightly different ways. But people all over the world want their

children to enter into strong, healthy, fruitful, long-lasting marriages.

If you are married, think back on the preparations for your marriage. If you are

not married, think about the preparations one of your family members went

through before getting married. To marry well takes time. It takes forethought

and it takes planning. People take time to think and plan because they want

their marriages to go well.

But sometimes, married couples forget about all the counsel they received

before marriage. They forget the words of wisdom given to them by trusted

friends and family members. They think that the words of their pastor on their

wedding day were just formalities and ritual. They get in a hurry to just live

their lives. And I have to admit, sometimes this works out OK. But sometimes

it does not.

The prophet Malachi had some very wise words for married couples. He said in

Malachi 2:15, “So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you

be faithless to the wife of your youth.” He repeated this instruction in the

next verse saying, “So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”

So here is a question worth pondering: How does a man guard himself in his

spirit, so he will be faithful and not faithless to his wife? And, how does a

woman guard herself so that she will not be faithless to her husband? The first

step is by meditating on what it means to be faithful.

To be faithful to one’s wife means to completely avoid sexual and emotional

bonding with another woman. To be faithful to one’s wife means to be

completely devoted to that woman’s welfare in every sphere of life. To be

faithful is to continually love one’s wife, in word and deed. To be faithful is to

cultivate trust and connection, emotional bonding along with growing respect

and appreciation.

Our God is faithful to us. His love never fails. His goodness toward us never

comes to an end. He delights in hearing our prayers and speaking to our hearts. 

Our God will not reject us. He is always merciful and kind to us. He is

patient and loving.

Our faithful God calls on every man to be faithful to his wife. He calls on every

woman to faithful to her husband. He calls us to be like him.

But he knows it is not always easy. He knows that the tempter will constantly

tempt us to act in selfish ways to put our own interests and needs above those

of our spouse. Thus the words of God’s prophet Malachi, “Guard yourself in

your spirit and do not be faithless.”

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this

encouraging word with today?

Monday, April 10, 2023

Marriage Series - One Man, One Woman


Hello this is Multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders. I am Brad Snowden.  It is such a blessing that God gives us His word that we may understand how to live.  Ephesians 5:31 says For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined faithfully devoted to His wife, and the two shall become one flesh. 

I know that in each one of our lives we have faced, are facing, or will face great difficulties. God has already planned for this and has given us the tools to overcome. I also know that God knew that I could not face the difficulties alone. It was only by His Grace that He allowed me to meet the one person on this earth that was created for many things but one of the most important for me was she was going to be my help meet. This same scriptural thought in Matthew 19:5 it says inseparably to his wife. I do not think this means physically but spiritually together as one. We are blessed to have our wife as our greatest physical and spiritual gift here on this earth. The most powerful prayer times I have ever had, is  when my wife and I agree in prayer. Church planter the most powerful tool that God will use is by your side every step of your life here on this earth. We will find that when we are devoted to our marriage God will work wonders in our lives  I love when God says I have a key that will unlock a door that will flood you with a great blessing. 

BE DEVOTED in other words, be dedicated, devout, dutiful, caring, concerned. When we realize God’s plan as He created man and woman this was for His power to be experienced. When we stand on His blessings and we are dedicated to caring and loving our spouse then God’s peace can reign. We are to love each other depend on each other and grow spiritually strong with each other as Jesus is with His bride the church. Church planters be devoted in your relationship with the Lord then be devoted to your wife and family. We have  His word and  His Holy Spirit to take what we are and use it we will experience a ministry that will glorify Him everywhere we go.

 Church planter and pastor when your relationship is growing in the Lord and His word, so will your relationship with your wife and this is what the Lord will bless. This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters.  I ask who will you share this with today?

Marriage Series - God's Original Design for Marriage


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.


Some of the teachings of the Bible are hard to understand. Some of the words of Jesus require real faith to embrace and put into practice.  But there are some teachings of the Bible that are obvious, true, and easy for anyone to believe. One easy to believe teachings is found in the book of Genesis, chapter 2, verse 18. After God had created Adam, he said, “It is not good that man should be alone.”  


This is so true! Being alone is not good. It is true for men in general. And it is true for every man.  It is true for people in general and it is true for every person.  It is true for survival and it is true for emotional health, mental health and problem solving.  It is not good that man should be alone.”


None of us is self-sufficient.  None of us is complete in himself or herself. We always need someone else to complete us. We need someone else to make up for our own personal limitations.  This is true in all human endeavors.  It is true in farming and small business. It is true in government and leadership; it is true in athletics and art. Every one of us needs input and encouragement, support and challenge from others. It is not good that man should be alone.


Our gracious God and Creator knew this before he formed Adam. He saw this after Adam was formed.  When Adam was alone in the Garden of Eden, God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” The helper he made was the first woman; her name was Eve. She was a fit helper for the man.  That means that Eve complemented Adam.  She brought insights and understanding to the task of caring for the garden that Adam did not have. Adam’s wife Eve was not a burden for him; she was a helper.  Adam’s wife Eve was not a problem for Adam; she was a helper fit for him.  


And guess what? Adam was a complement to Eve. Because of Adam’s presence Eve was not alone.  Because of Adam, Eve had a person who could understand her, encourage her, and help her. It is not good that man should be alone. It’s not good that woman should be alone. We need each other; we complement each other.  God in his goodness has created marriage between one man and one woman to be a normal and wonderful way to overcome loneliness and limitation. Marriage is a normal and wonderful way to experience the benefits of teamwork and mutual support.

This was God’s original design. And even though the entry of sin into the world caused great mistrust and division between Adam and Eve, marriage is still part of God’s original design to overcome loneliness and isolation.  


So dear church planter, honor your husband or your wife.  Take time to listen. Understand your spouse. Your criticism and complaints are not helping. Come together. Show your love in practical deeds of service and in kind words of affirmation. Show your love with physical touch and simple gifts. Spend time together.  


Marriage is part of God’s original design for humanity.  Don’t fight against it. Embrace the one God has given to you in marriage.  Bless your spouse and be blessed.


This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?


#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #NotGoodToBeAlone

Marriage Series - The Church Planter's Family Part 2


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 

What do you want more than anything else for your children? I’m sure you want your kids to be healthy and smart and responsible and honorable.  You want them to be hardworking and respectful and kind. I hope all of these dreams and desires you have for your children are fulfilled. But what do you want for them more than anything else?

Christian parents who want good things for their children want them to know and love Jesus. We want our children to walk with him and follow him.  I think this desire is especially strong in church planters and pastors.  We long for our children to experience God’s grace in their lives.

But how? What should we do as Christian parents to help our children embrace the faith? 

When my firstborn son was just six years old, my wife Gail attended an international conference in Nairobi, Kenya focused on the children of missionaries.  At that conference, a lady shared research she had done with dozens of missionary families who lived in many different nations, came from many different countries and denominations, and raised their children in many different ways.  Some were very strict, others not so much. Some of the parents took their children to church many times per week, others, only once or twice a week.  Some had daily devotions with their children, some did not. Some sent their children to boarding schools, some had children who studied at home or at a nearby school.

The researcher wanted to know which practices of these missionary parents would most help children follow in the faith of the parents and walk with Christ. What factors in raising children were crucial?  What was the key to raising children who would follow Jesus as adults?  

Do you know what this researcher discovered?  It’s not how often you pray with your children or how often you go to church. It’s not how strict or liberal you are with your discipline. In this study, the only common factor among parents who raised kids who grew up to follow Jesus was that the parents provided a warm and loving home. That’s it. Parents who raise kids who follow Jesus provide warm and loving homes.

The researcher recognized that decisions about prayer and devotions and school choice are important.  But from the research, the most important key to raising kids who grow up to follow Jesus is providing a warm and loving home.

When Gail shared this insight with me, I said to myself, “I can do that. I can provide a warm and loving home for my children.” Now I am far from a perfect parent. I have said and done things that I regret. But one thing is sure, from that day onward, I made certain that by my words and my actions, my children knew they were loved and accepted and appreciated in our home. I made sure there were moments of tenderness and lots of hugs and expressions of affection. To this day, our three children follow Jesus. Warmth and love are not a guarantee that children will follow the Lord, but without a warm, loving home, it’s not likely they will.

Ephesians 6: 4 speaks to parents saying, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger.”  Heed these words my fellow church planters. Be kind and tender, warm and loving with your children as you bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #WarmAndLoving

Marriage Series - The Church Planter's Family


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. The Apostle Paul serves as an example to all of us who work to plant churches.  Paul spread the Gospel to many, many new locations, multiplying churches over a vast territory.  But he did more than spread the Good News everywhere. Paul described his ministry this way, “[Christ] is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”  Paul wanted each person who heard his message to become fully mature in Christ. I see that this same desire motivates you. Praise the Lord!

As a church planter, you want every person in your village to know Christ, to be born again, and to join the church.  You want church members to grow, to mature, and to develop in spiritual wisdom and devotion to Christ their Savior. And so you work hard.  You pray. You visit believers and unbelievers, you teach, you organize worship, you serve the people and the church in a hundred different ways.  This is all to be commended. You are to be thanked and appreciated for your loving service. I mean this sincerely, church planters are my heroes.  Your work is heroic and worthy of honor.

So let me encourage you today to take a step back for a moment.  Let me encourage you to reflect briefly. Church planter, there are some very important people you also need to serve in order to help them be complete in Christ.  Those very important people are the people of your own family: your spouse and your children.

Church planter Paul spoke to his disciple Timothy about the leaders of the churches being planted in his day.  He teaches us, in 1 Timothy 3:1-5, that a church leader should be faithful to his or her spouse. Paul taught that church leaders should use respectable means to manage their families.  The church planter’s family serves as an example to everyone in the church.  

But it takes time to be faithful.  Being faithful to a spouse means far more than simply keeping your promise in terms of sexual purity. Faithfulness also means keeping one’s wedding vows to love, serve, and care for one’s mate in good times and bad, in sickness and in health. Church planters must be faithful to their families.  This means each church planter must make time to be with their husband or wife. Every church planter must take time to care for their children. Time is a scarce commodity.

So, sometimes this means saying “no” to an important ministry opportunity in order to spend time with the family. For many Christian leaders, this is hard to do.  Their identity and sense of self-worth is wrapped up in their role as church planter. But if you are to present your wife and your children complete in Christ, you will have to spend time with them, talking and listening, working together, and playing together.

You can do it! You can live a balanced life. You can fully love your spouse and your children and also fully serve your churches.  God will give you grace. He will help you manage your time well. 

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #

'One Another' Series - Be Devoted to One Another


This is Chuck Rapp with Multiply, a podcast to provide a word of encouragement for village church planters and leaders.

This year, in these podcasts, I am focusing upon the “One Another” scriptures found in the New Testament as viewed through the lens of leadership.

Today’s podcast comes from Romans 12:10. “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” The Apostle Paul offers two “One Anothers” in this one verse.

 We are to be devoted to one another. And,

 We are to honor one another … above yourselves.

The word “devoted” means “very loving or loyal.” This reminds me of a podcast from a couple of years ago in which VCP Supervisor Peter Baraka shared that “we must love those whom we lead.” Godly leaders model this behavior by their care and concern for their followers. When those who follow know that their leader loves them, they feel secure in that relationship, and they are more inclined to do their work with excellence.

This parallels the relationship that we have as disciples as we follow Christ. When we are secure in His love, we work in response to - or motivated by - His love; we don’t do so in order to try to gain it.

Secondly, “devoted” also means “loyal”. Godly leaders must demonstrate loyalty to those who follow us if we are to expect them to reciprocate. Loyalty to followers means that as leaders we do not discard, or cast them aside, when they make a mistake. Instead, we need to provide correction, instruction and encouragement.

In a podcast from July, 2020, I shared that one of the positions of leadership is “behind” our followers. In this message, I reminded leaders that sometimes we must “pick them up when they have fallen.” This exemplifies our loyalty to those who follow us. As a result, most of the time this builds their level of loyalty to us, and this combination strengthens the Body and our work.

Finally, the Apostle Paul instructs us that we are to honor one another above ourselves. This can be challenging yet it is a command to be followed. I’m reminded of Philippians 2:3-4. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” Good and Godly leaders are humble and unselfish, serving others. It is our security in our relationship with Christ that enables us to do this. May we be fully devoted to one another.

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

Steward Leadership - The Parable of the Talents, Part 2

  This is Chuck Rapp with Multiply, a podcast to provide a word of encouragement for village church planters and leaders.  As this is a new ...