Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Give Recognition and Honor To Church Leaders

 This is multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders I am

Brad Snowden.

Today I want to look at a subject found in Romans 13:7 “pay unto all what is due”

and it lists somethings and the last thing it talks about is honor. This word honor

looks different depending on our background or culture in which we grew up.

When I was growing up I was taught very clearly that honor meant to fear. To

honor my father and my mother it was to be fearful of what punishment may

come if I did not. I don’t believe this is what was meant by this scripture. I found

the definition in the dictionary very helpful =distinction, High respect, revere as

for worth, regard

I know that sometimes we look at respecting individuals and we say “well they

haven’t done anything to gain my respect” We look at respect as something

earned and that may be right in the eyes of the world. I look at this honor due

someone not by what they do or haven’t done, but that everyone is created by

God just like me the only difference is they haven’t received his nature yet but,

they are created just like me and to show respect to God because of His love for


Respect is something that is shown outwardly, if I respect someone it’s not

enough to simply think it I must show it outwardly however it can be done.

Psalms 119:6 says “Then I will not be ashamed when I look with respect to all your

commandments”. I won’t be ashamed when I do what God’s word tells me and

giving honor is part of God’s word. Loving one another is part of God’s word.

Respecting one another is God’s word. One of the greatest joys for me is when we

can encourage church planter, pastors, and leaders by honoring them. They have

answered God’s voice and obeyed this is worthy of honor because they have

distinguished that God’s voice is worth honoring. When we honor leaders in the

church realm we are recognizing the worth of that calling in which God has called.

This can’t be taken lightly and it is our place to honor God by honoring them. This

is important to prefer or honor and Reverence God by respect and honor Him

through honoring leaders that follow after God. This has been a word of

encouragement for village church planters. Lord bless you and I ask who will you

share this with today?

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