Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Equip and Release by Training

Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 

I still remember the training I received when I was 15 years old. I got on a bus with people from my church and others from my state.  We traveled overnight and arrived at the place where we would receive a week of training. In June of 1972, I was one of about 80,000 people who went to Dallas, Texas, USA to be trained to share the Good News of Jesus using the Four Spiritual Laws.

I remember sitting in a university auditorium.  On the stage were experienced evangelists telling stories of their experience sharing the Good News. They explained how to share the Four Spiritual laws. Then, on the stage, they demonstrated how to use this tool to lead people to Jesus. After the demonstration, the trainers gave all of us in the audience the opportunity to practice what we had just seen demonstrated.  We did.  Then we prayed. Next, we went out on the streets two by two to find people to talk to. Our goal was to proclaim the Good News using the method we had just practiced in the classroom.  Many people came to Christ all across the city of Dallas.

Each evening, we went to a large stadium where great evangelists like Billy Graham and Bill Bright encouraged us and cast vision for fulfilling the Great Commission among all nations. More than 80,000 people filled the stadium. Can you imagine the crowd, the worship, the energy in that place? 

The next day we were back in the training room, learning more skills through demonstration and practice.  Each afternoon we went back to the streets to evangelize.  Then, in the evening, we were inspired once more by men and women of God in that huge stadium.

If you have spent even one term in a VCP training center, you probably recognize the training pattern I experienced 51 years ago. Teach, demonstrate, practice, minister, stay inspired, repeat. The leaders who trained us equipped us through teaching, demonstration, and practice.  Then, they released us, two by two, for ministry.  When we came back together, they inspired us some more. Then they trained us again.  That was 51 years ago, but the process still works today. This process is working in training centers all over Africa.

You too can equip and release your church members for great ministry. In fact, you have already begun to equip them to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.  Keep up the good work!

When you train people, you are saying, “I believe in you.  You have potential. God can use you. Let me help you grow in understanding.  Let me share my skills with you.  You are important.” Training church members is a great way to encourage them.  

And when you train others, you are multiplying your impact. Today, Bill Bright is with Jesus. Billy Graham has gone on to his reward. But I am just one of many of the 80,000 people who was trained 51 years ago who is still using what I learned then to minister today. Those men truly multiplied their impact through training!  You too are multiplying your impact for Christ as you equip and release for ministry. Keep up the good work!  To God be the glory!

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #Explo72 #EquipAndRelease

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