Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Equip and Release by Mentoring

 Hello, I am Daneille Snowden; and this is Multiply; a podcast to encourage village church planters, pastors, and Christian leaders.  

I learn by DOING! I do listen when someone is trying to teach me something, but I can master what I have learned by applying it with my own hands, so-to-speak.

But, when I do anything for the first time, I want to see how it works by watching others. And then… continue with those individuals walking beside me with their helpful instructions as I go. 

I recall whenever I would start a new job back when I was very young, they gave a person to train me. Their simple instructions through-out the training was what I needed. I already think with a complex mindset, thus the better the trainer or shall I say mentor is when they would simplify each step; making sure I understood as then I would be able to do that task on my own.

When we train others in our discipleship methodology; we want to share with them simply and patiently by doing, and then eventually walk beside them instructing as we go. I feel more at ease when my mentor displays grace towards me; grace is definitely a quality gift to have has a mentor. We share our hearts and words gracefully, with much patience. 

I also am one that desires to know the answer to the WHY we do this or that, to the WHY we say this or that? Not just the HOW, but WHY. In mentorship, we are teaching this effectively. Mentoring means: the practice of helping and advising a less experienced person over a period of time. Giving advice is teaching with grace, biblically. Look at the end of this definition; ‘over a period of time.’  When we devote to equipping others by mentoring; it is a true commitment. More than likely, it is a lifetime commitment. Our student may not need us as much, because hopefully, we have equipped them well; but as we all know; moments in the life of ministry does come when we need our mentors even more. 

Paul was Timothy’s mentor, he graciously had Timothy with him to learn by his example to the place that he could trust Timothy to carry his letters and teach all on his own. We also have Jesus and His disciples; they all did life together. They watched Jesus share His love to the loveless, heal those who were poor and even watch Him turn the other cheek when persecuted. He sent them out, for He knew after they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2) they were ready to GO and make disciples in every nation. 

This has been Multiply, will you share now and find us on YouTube, Facebook plus on our website https://www.vcpencouragement.org/.

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Blessed To Multiply

  Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Plante...