Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Helping Youth Obey the 7 Basic Commands of Christ


This is Multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and ministers I am Brad Snowden

In 1 Timothy 4:12 it says “Let no man despise thy youth” the dictionary definition for part of it is the word neglect. It is important as church planters and ministers not to neglect teaching our youth. I believe one of the greatest impact we can have is teaching our young people the truth. I can look back to a time when I was a young person there were key people who taught me the importance of living out God’s truth The people who intentionally poured into my life equipped me to be who I am today.  Church planters ministers of the gospel we all have the opportunity to touch a young person’s life. We have the 7 basic commands of Christ to lay as a foundation to encourage and empower their hearts.  

We can teach them the importance of repentance and believing God’s word that will change their hearts. We can help them understand how powerful a witness Baptism can be for those around them. Oh to model and teach the power of prayer and we can help create a hunger for God’s word. These young people can grow and help disciple their friends. We can teach through example the joys of loving one another and this fruit can change an entire village. They too can participate in the Lord’s Supper being taught what each element means and the power of remembering the sacrifice of Christ. They can experience the joy of this as a participant. They can also learn to give and how much God will bless obedience. They can learn also of giving of their talents and time to the Lord. 

If we teach our young people and consistently model these 7 basic commands of Christ, the Church will be a different place. The village and the world would definitely be a different place to live. God has given so much to us and I pray that each one of us use what God has given us for a fruitful life in Christ Jesus. The blessing is that we can touch many lives through the young people that we invest in teaching them, encouraging them and walking with them through this very important time in their lives. It will shape their future and eternity.   This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters. Please share this with others.

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Steward Leadership - The Parable of the Talents, Part 2

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