Monday, January 9, 2023

Who Do You Need?

 Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 

One of the most important steps you will take as a church planter is to identify, train, and appoint the first elders for your church. You will work closely in ministry with the new elders. Their actions and leadership will have a large impact on the reputation of your church. Because this is a transcendental step for a new church, you will need wisdom from the Lord.

Wisdom from on high can help you avoid two common mistakes that church planters make as they consider naming elders:  Don’t make these mistakes:

Do not name many elders who have the same spiritual gifts you have. For example, church planters with the gift of evangelism often want to surround themselves with other evangelists.  But they really need men and women with other, complimentary gifts, such as administration or teaching. Pastoral leaders often want other care-givers to be on their elder board.  But they may need leaders with a let’s go, apostolic orientation on their team, not just those with pastoral gifts. So, do not name only elders who have the same spiritual gifts you have; name elders whose gifts compliment your own.

Here is a second guideline: Don’t name elders who immediately agree with every idea you have for the development of your church.  We all love to be with people who agree with us.  We all want to be affirmed.  No one wants to be challenged at every turn. But if our elders just say, “Yes, that is a good idea.” every time we suggest a plan, they will not be very much help.

 You need leaders on your elder board who can hear your ideas and plans and then help you make those plans better.  You need elders who will challenge your thinking, but not your authority.  Let me repeat that. You need elders who will challenge your thinking, but not your authority.  Your elders need to be loyal to you and your church, but they do not have to endorse every suggestion you make.  Don’t name only elders who agree with every idea you have for the development of your church. You want elders who can challenge your thinking and work with you to improve your ideas.  

Remember, as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17). So as you pray for God to lead you to elders to appoint for your newly planted church, pray for strong church members to join you.  Don’t make the mistake of looking for people who have the same strengths you have.  Find leaders whose gifts, talents, and experience compliment yours.  Don’t look for people who, without thinking say “yes” to every ministry idea you suggest. Find loyal, godly men and women who will challenge your thinking but not your authority. When you do, you will have found a great treasure.

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #NameElders

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