Friday, December 23, 2022

Interpret the Word of God


Hello this is Multiply the podcast to encourage village church planters and I am Brad Snowden.

It is so very important for us as church planters, pastors, leaders and Christians to interpret the word of God correctly. When I was asked to help fix a problem on a house the first place I went to look was the foundation. How was it built? If there were problems with the foundation no matter what I did to help the problem it would always return. I first had to address the most important part the foundation, then we could actually fix the issue.

2 Timothy 2:19 Paul writes to his young student Nevertheless the firm foundation of God stands sure … When we want to grow deeper into God’s word it’s very important to make sure our foundation is strong. Interpreting the word of God is important so that we can fully understand and use it to its greatest potential. Interpreting God’s word is simply understanding it in the way it was written. There are many ways to understand something but for me the best way to understand the portion of God’s word you want to understand is to study who it was written to. There can be many different ways to read something but the WHO can tell us culturally how this was important. 

If something was written with a Jewish cultural background, then how does this apply from that context. Bible scholars use the term context to discuss various aspects of the original writing of the text—historical, social, political, religious aspects will mean a great deal. When we study a certain passage there will be the need to read the passages before and after the passage and that will help us to know where and what the writer was saying. This will help in understanding the complete word and help us not misinterpret the word.

 I have found asking the Holy Spirit to help me to understand the writers intentions can be a great value. The apostle Paul writes in the epistles some harsh words but when we know the WHO, WHERE, WHY and in the context of the letter we can understand his passion to get the point across so there was no doubt to what he was trying to teach.  I know that we all strive to want to understand God’s word in a way that is impactful and I know that there is a very long list of ways to interpret God’s word but if we can use a few ways and practice these it will help. It has been my experience that as I wanted to learn more the Holy Spirit has always made it to be understood.   

 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workmen tested by trial has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth. My brothers and sisters as we lean on the Lord for the clarification of his word He will be faithful and you will be blessed by it. It is my desire that you continue to gain great knowledge through observing His word and interpreting His word all for His glory.” This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters I ask you who will you share this with today?

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