Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Strengthen Those Undergoing Trials - 1 Thessalonians Series


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

I am sure that you have faced plenty of trials during your life as a Christian. In fact, when you think back over your years of walking with Jesus, I’m sure you remember many trials, challenges, and difficulties you have faced. I know I certainly can. My family and I have faced challenges with our physical health, financial challenges, interpersonal challenges in our family and in our ministry, and persecution because of our proclamation of Christ.

When Paul wrote his first letter to the members of the church he planted in Thessalonica, he made a sad but true statement about trials. He said about trials in chapter 3, verse 3 “we are destined for them.”  That’s right, Scripture tells us that we are destined for trials and for persecution. Since we are destined to be persecuted and to face trials, we’d better be prepared to respond when trials and persecution come. Church planter Paul models the way for us. Because he knew that the young church he had started in Thessalonica would face trials and persecution, Paul, Silas and Timothy responded in three ways:

·        First, they repeatedly told the new believers that they would be persecuted.

·        Second, the church planters spent time with those facing trials and persecution.

·        Third, they strengthened and encouraged the faith of the new believers in Thessalonica.

Sometimes when we preach the Gospel, we speak often about the benefits of following Christ. And we should tell about gospel benefits, but we must be truthful and also tell those who consider following Christ that trials will come. We need to be clear about this before and after our hearers put their trust in Jesus.

Then, when trials and persecution come, it is so very important for church planters to be present with those who are suffering. Paul and Timothy were in Athens when they learned that persecution had come to their dear friends in Thessalonica. Athens is about 500 kilometers from Thessalonica. Nevertheless, Paul and Timothy did everything possible to go and be with their persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. But Satan blocked their way. Scripture does not say how their way was blocked, but finally it was possible to send Timothy alone to Thessalonica to be with the persecuted believers there. So Timothy went by himself to be with them. When he arrived he strengthened and encouraged the faith of the new believers. Our presence has great power in ministry. We need to be with people who suffer, sometimes without saying a word. Do not undervalue being present with those who suffer. It means more than we can imagine.  Then, after spending some time together, strengthen the faith of those who suffer.  Remind them of the goodness of God, the presence of God, and the ultimate victory of Christ and of those he came to save.

Warn of persecution and trials. Be present during persecution and trials. Encourage and build up faith. Point those who suffer to Christ and his love for them. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today?

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