Saturday, August 20, 2022

Satan Blocked Our Way - 1 Thessalonians Series


Welcome to Multiply, a podcast for you, our village church planters, pastors and Christian leaders. I am Daneille Snowden, and may I say, it is a true blessing to share with you today.

We are going to be reading from 1 Thessalonians 2:18 where Paul says; “For we wanted to come to you—indeed I, Paul, tried again and again—but Satan obstructed us.” [From the Berean Study Bible.]

The parallel scripture comes from Acts 17, I challenge you to read this chapter in its entirety. Paul does visit Thessalonica for three Sabbaths. Here we see he is having great, deep discussions and debates about Jesus. On how our Lord suffered and died, plus rose again so all may know Him and be saved.  This is the Gospel, and this is the message we preach, the message of hope. 

Yet, an OPPOSER arose; and this enemy used those who chose not to believe but decided to persecute the individuals connected to Paul; as we see was shared in our last podcast: ‘Imitators of God’s Churches.’  1 Thessalonians is being written by Paul in Corinth, his heart aches for his fellow believers in Thessalonica. Here we witness a spiritual father, aching to be with his spiritual children. Who is this Satan Paul talks about in this specific passage of scripture? We see he is named Satan at first in Job 1 & 2, as he is opposing another man of whom served God faithfully. We see him in Genesis after he is thrown out of heaven and he tempts Eve to disobey God; by telling her she could be better than her creator. 

He is the one who opposes God’s work and God’s people! 

Yet, God overruled Satan by the power of the Holy Ghost as Paul went onto Berea. Acts 17:11-12 says; “Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true. As a result, many of them believed, along with quite a few prominent Greek women and men.” Note the Bible version I used at the beginning of this podcast as we see that it was from the Berean Study Bible. We see several Bereans who came to Jesus, and grew in their knowledge of the scripture, as Paul ministered in Berea.

Paul had sent Timothy back to Thessalonica without him, and as Timothy was being beckon to return; Paul’s heart still ached for this place and the new church there. 

The enemy knows where to hit us, he knows when and uses situations and people to do this. Today, my mind looks back on the places my husband and I have ministered. I see people, and some geographical areas where we knew God had called us to. God’s love and word was shared through us, but – ‘SATAN BLOCKED THE WAY!’ I can see their faces, and I just cry for them. Like Paul, the Lord moved us on to other people and places, and yes we have seen God really move in His power as many have been saved. 

What are you facing today? How is the enemy opposing the work God has called you to do? Take courage dear one, “God’s Word never returns void!” He doesn’t waste the time and energy of His children who obey and follow through with their call to serve Him. The seed of His word has been planted, the enemy is angry because HE CANNOT STOP the seeds that landed on fertile soil (the fertile soil of men and women’s hearts). 

This has been Multiply, please; share this podcast with others and follow us on our website;, we are also on YouTube and Facebook. 

Press on and fight the good fight of faith!

#persecution #1Thessalonians #spiritualwarfare #churchplanting #encouragementforvillagechurchplanters #MultiplyPodcastPodBean 

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