Thursday, August 4, 2022

Encouraging, Comforting, Urging - 1 Thessalonians Series


This is Multiply a podcast to encourage village church planters and leaders. I am Brad Snowden.

1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 “For you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you just as a father does in dealing with his own children, guiding you 12 to live lives of honor, moral courage, and personal integrity worthy of the God who saves you and calls you into His own kingdom and glory.”

We find the Apostle Paul writing as a father, a superintendent of their spiritual education. He uses three modes of instruction. Village church planters, I believe these modes of instruction will be a very helpful tool to increase the witness of Christ into lives.

Exhortation = Encouragement

When we talked about a podcast for encouragement for village church planters; Dean Davis exhorted my wife and I about Multiply. He believed it could be a great tool to encourage many lives. That empowered us to step out and do what at-that-time, we did not have the knowledge in that area to accomplish what was needed. Encouragement empowers lives to do more than what is presently there.

Comfort = Positive Reinforcement

There are so many challenges in planting churches and also in just everyday living. Positive reinforcement of any type can and will bring comfort. I am comforted in that no matter what, I am not alone in what God wants me to do. This doesn’t mean that I have a group of people going with me everywhere. I know that there is someone out there praying for me; so, I am not alone and of course the Lord is with me. No village church planter, minister, & worker in God’s kingdom should ever feel alone. They hopefully know the power of prayer reinforcement and that will bring comfort deep down.

Urging = charge, challenge, imploring, begging

The combination of encouragement and Reinforcement stirs the heart, but to do what?

v.12 “live your lives of honor, moral courage, personal integrity worthy of God” We are to be true witnesses of God’s love and desire that none should perish. God has called you to be church planters, witnesses of His word, & His salvation. God’s life, being lived-out before them simply by your actions. We can live-out His life through each one of these modes of instruction. These are powerful tools to help us disciple others and impact those around us for God’s kingdom. This has been a word of encouragement who will you pass this along to today? Lord Bless you!



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