Friday, June 17, 2022

Work Produced By Faith - 1 Thessalonians Series


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that

provides a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters.

Paul and Silas started the church in Thessalonica. But their work was not easy.

You can read about their experience in that Macedonian city in Acts 17. People

became so angry about what Paul and Silas said about Jesus the Messiah, they

formed a mob to accuse the apostles of rebellion against Caesar. Paul and Silas

had to leave Thessalonica at night so they wouldn’t be carried away by the

mob. Their church planting work in Thessalonica was not easy.

But in spite of all that this church planting team suffered in Thessalonica, they

certainly loved the Thessalonian believers. They admired the character

qualities that these new Christians demonstrated. Paul writes in 1

Thessalonians, chapter 1, verses 2 and 3, “We always thank God for all of

you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God

and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your

endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Why do you think Paul and his team were so pleased by the behavior of the new

Thessalonian believers? What was it about their way of living that caused the

church planters to rejoice and give thanks? These new Christ-followers’ lives

had been changed. They were new people in Christ and that new life was easy

to observe. The faith of the Thessalonians was real. Their faith didn’t just

change their thinking. Their faith changed the way they lived. Their faith

resulted in good works. Their faith led to action. Their love for Christ caused

them to labor for the Lord and they didn’t quit. They kept going. The

Thessalonian believers demonstrated endurance. All of this — the work

produced by faith, the labor prompted by love, and the endurance inspired by

hope in our Lord Jesus Christ — all of this was proof to Paul that God had truly

transformed the lives of the new believers in Thessalonica. Nothing could

make him happier! Paul’s joy spilled over into thanksgiving to God. All the

suffering, all the persecution, all the trouble that Paul and his team had gone

through to start the church in Thessalonica was worth it. Why? Because God

was at work and the result was clear for all to see.

This is what all church planters dream of: changed lives. Just getting a large

group of people together to listen as we preach does not satisfy us. Simply

hearing people say they like the Bible or they love the story of Jesus is not

enough. We long to see transformed lives. We want to see people taking

action based on their faith. Faith without works is dead. Faith that results in

good works is full of life.

The church planter who wants to see transformed lives, the church planter who

wants to see works produced by faith and labor prompted by love will not

demand work from his church members. No. Instead, the church planter who

wants to see works produced by faith will lift up the example of Christ. He will

tell the story of Jesus in order to build up faith. Strong faith results in good

work. Great love for Christ results in great labors for Christ. Hope in the Lord

Jesus Christ is what keeps disciples of Jesus working even when the work is

hard and the rewards are not immediately obvious.

So keep lifting up Jesus as our supreme example. Preach and teach and tell

Bible stories which inspire faith in Christ. Testify about Jesus’ power and grace

at work in your life. God will use your words and your example to inspire faith

in your church members. That faith will result in good work that will

strengthen God’s people. If you want to see transformed lives, lift up Jesus so

your people will trust him more and more.

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this

encouraging word with today?

#EncouragementForVillageChurchPlanters #LiftUpJesus #FaithAndWorks

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