Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Ministry To, For and By Woman


Welcome to Multiply, a podcast for church planters and Christian leaders and I am Daneille Snowden.

I was called into the ministry at the early age of twelve. As I grew, I anticipated the day when I would be spending my life serving God as His minister. In 1987, I graduated from my university and in 1994 was ordained with my husband. I married a godly man that respected me as a woman and a minister of the Gospel, we spent our years working side-by-side teaching, preaching, counselling and simply serving beautiful people in our mission journey (including our own children). 

According to the population clock, the world’s population is made up of 50.5% men and 49.5% woman, with the current population at almost eight billion people. There are a lot of women who need the loving Gospel of Jesus Christ. I see God using women across the globe, serving others as they serve God. It may be in education, teaching entrepreneurial work, and instructing their own children and family members the word of God. Or it also is in music, preaching and serving in capacities where their nurturing heart can touch lives. As women answer the call of God upon their lives, their prayer should be, to be clothed in holiness and display godly wisdom. I love the scripture in Proverbs 31:26 where it says, “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue”. The title of this podcast is divided into three parts that are: Ministry- 1) To Woman 2) For Woman & 3) By Woman. 

Almost ½ the world is female, thus there is a great need for woman to receive teachings from God’s Word, plus His love from all who serve Him. Many women are mothers and grandmothers, they are endlessly working to care for their families. So many are weary and wonder if anyone cares about their needs. There are also women who are the pillars of their homes and communities, when they are instilled with God’s Word and His Spirit, there is no stopping the evangelical work of the Gospel through them. Many ladies need fellow women to come alongside them and live out the life of Jesus before them. Again, as they walk alongside, they can be there to be an encourager, a prayer partner, and some help in whatever manner the life situation may be. 

I want to encourage all who are serving God in His work, to reach out and affirm our women who feel called by God to do His Work of preaching the Gospel, in whatever capacity that may be. I also want to encourage more women, to step out in faith, obey the call of God to… “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” Matthew 28:19.

Thank you for listening today, will you share this message with others? E3-36 Remember to visit our website at www.vcpencouragement.org. We are also on Facebook and YouTube called Encouragement for Village Church Planters.

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