Monday, April 4, 2022

Music and Dance in Worship


Hello this is Multiply a word of encouragement for church planters and leaders. I am Brad Snowden and today as we follow the theme of Worship. Worship no matter if it’s our personal time with the Lord or in a small group or in a larger corporate worship time we still have the same purpose, to glorify God.

When I pastored I was very focused on the worship of the Lord in the church. I prayed over this part of the service very strongly because of God’s word in John 4 it tells us that the Lord seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. This is important to God and so it was important for me as a pastor and likewise it is important for you as a church planter to be focused on worship. It is important to note that it does not matter how good the music is or whether or not there is dancing in our worship service. What matters is to what purpose are all these things done. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says So then whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all for the glory of our great God. The purpose in which we do anything must first glorify God in a humble, thankful, spirit that shows the joy of serving the Lord.  If the worship music glorifies God then let it be heard from the mountain tops. If dancing expresses ones love and adoration for the Lord then let it be. I was taught about flexibility in worshipping the Lord is not just in one single form or fashion. How I worship may look different from others and that’s ok because it’s my relationship with the Lord that I want to grow in and that certainly can happen in worship. 

 The important part is worshipping in spirit and truth and if there is any part that draws the attention away from the Lord then that is something that must be taken into consideration. Where is the heart, what is the motive behind what we do. If a person is worshipping in a humble spirit then no attention will be desired to be put upon themselves or what they are doing. The anointing of the Lord in worship does not require the best music or the fervency of our dancing. It will go deep to the heart and the desire to glorify Him in all we do. What a powerful part of our service to the Lord is worship and this can draw people to His presence to be eternally changed for His glory. This can be and is a powerful way to express our love and devotion to Him for all He has done in our lives. This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters. Please share this podcast with others and Lord Bless you.

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