Friday, March 18, 2022

Prayer In Worship

 This is Multiply; a podcast for Village Church Planters, Pastors, and church leaders, and I am Daneille Snowden.

The scripture says in Luke 11:2 “And he said to them, “When you pray, say: “Father, hallowed be your name…”

When we pray, we worship when we worship, we pray.  When we talk to the Lord God, it is a heart communication to Him, this is prayer. In worship, it is an adoration and still a heart communication of our love and adoration to the Savior of our Souls, our King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

When I led worship in our church services, I was a little different. I basically led worship with my eyes closed majority of the time or looking up. As a minister of worship (that is one who led the church to worship the Lord): I, myself too, was in this mode of prayer and worship, as I poured out my love to my Jesus! I recall just being filled with the beautiful presence of the Lord as we all worshipped together.

In Term 3 of the New VCP Trainers Guide 16:3:2 it says, “The role of all the leaders in a worship service is to help the other worshippers give greater glory to God.” This is the heartbeat of worship! For ourselves personally and for those we are leading in our churches and Bible Studies. How do we do this, one might ask? Humility is a key component, because as we lead in song, or in preaching, all the glory and praise is to completely go to God. It isn’t how good we can sing, dance, and play our instruments; or even how great we can preach. We must allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with His anointing; so that all will truly see Jesus and hear His voice through our humble vessels.

This question was asked in lesson 16:3:2, “What are some words which describe the attitudes of a godly worship leader who worships in spirit and in truth?” Every single time we stand before others we must take the time in the presence of the Lord to align our hearts with His. May our thoughts be His thoughts; thus, our words (and actions) be what Jesus would say and do. May we all be ONE with our Lord Jesus as we lead in worship!

Thank you for listening today, will you please share this podcast with others? Also, ‘like-us’ on Facebook called: Encouragement for Village Church Planters (Multiply), on YouTube plus on our website at

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