Friday, February 18, 2022

What Is Worship?


Hello! This is Multiply, a podcast to encourage church planters and leaders and we are Brad & Daneille Snowden.

When Brad & I pastored, I was the worship leader in our churches. This was a ministry I didn’t know I would walk into as a young adult, but God opened the door and gave me the skill plus anointing to do so. As a worship leader, my responsibility was to be focused completely on the Lord Jesus and to bring Him all my praise. As I worshipped, I also led the congregation by, encouraging them to enter His presence in praise.

I would say ‘focus’ (for me) was an essential element to be able to flow in the Spirit as we worshipped. This particular focus was to bring honor to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

When we look at the parts of worship all of them have one thing in common, it’s not about who does what. It isn’t about how good the worship music is. The most important part of worship is a humble heart that says I need you Lord and all I want is to serve you in my worship.

In John 12: 32 Jesus said “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.” 

If we are focused on lifting up Jesus in worship, then there will be no part of us that will be focused upon; it is the humble heart the Lord will reward. Oh the great power that comes when we all worship with one heart, plus the joy that comes into our lives cannot be manufactured by anything else.

In Term 3-16:2 of the New Village Church Planner curriculum, the author wrote: “To be an effective worship leader it is very important to walk in the Spirit and to allow the Holy Spirit to manifest his fruit in your life.” I have found this to hold a great amount of truth! Every week, I would take a long time to seek the Lord alone in His Presence with the Word of God wide open. I then asked Him to lead me into a theme in scripture; as He did, the songs came together for that worship service. I was afraid to stand in front of people without spending quality time in prayer. We have a portion of scripture that was taped on the pulpit: “Sir, we want to see Jesus” from John 12:21. My heart, my attitude and actions must exhibit Jesus, bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

What is worship? It is giving all glory and honor to God.

This has been Multiply, you can find us on the web at, also on Facebook, YouTube and Podbean.

God bless and let us all worship Him today -in Spirit and in Truth!

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