Friday, February 18, 2022

Cell Group Meetings Vs Large Group Worship


Hello! This is Multiply, a podcast to encourage church planters and leaders; and I am your host – Daneille Snowden. In our 26 years of pastoring one of my favorite times was when we had a home cell group ministry. One home meeting was quite special. Two ladies who were sisters as well as widows wanted to start a cell group in their home. They invited us to lead them. So, we worshiped and dug deep into God’s Word. This special time in their living room gave a relaxed and close atmosphere where people felt they could share with one another. The best part was when their family members and friends who sat in the kitchen, were listening and then drawn-in; this resulted in them giving their hearts to Jesus too! We saw more souls get saved percentagewise in this cell ministry than in most typical church services.  

There seems to be an ease for people to be open in their minds and hearts to receive God’s Love, and His Word. Relationships within the Body of Christ deepen because there is the opportunity for more one-on-one communication. This also creates an opportunity for more accountability in the Christian walk towards one another.

My brother Dean Davis gave a great explanation on what the responsibilities of a cell group and church have in the Multiply Podcast called: Cell Groups Can Help Your Church Grow. One of the aspects he mentioned is how cell groups cultivate and grow new leaders within the church. When cell groups reconvene together in church it creates a great foundation for the church to continue to grow deeper, wider, and stronger.

Large cell groups, that number more than 20 can lose a sense of intimacy and accountability. Also, finding a place for everyone to meet makes a challenge too, among several other dynamics to try to work around. I would venture to say though, if a large group met on a rare occasion based on a prayer meeting, or a worship night; it can be a great time for the body of believers in Christ to be encouraged. 

Our objective is to build one another up in the faith as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:11 which says: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”  
We must never cease to preach the authentic, true, and powerful Word of God. 
“And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.” Acts 5:42

I hope and pray as you continue to plant more churches and develop even cell groups; the Holy Spirit leads you in every part of the way! 

This has been Multiply, please share this podcast with others! Find us on, also on Facebook and YouTube. Be sure to click follow and share! 

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