Monday, January 31, 2022

Faithful, Available & Teachable Part 2


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “Multiply,” the podcast that provides a word of encouragement to Village Church Planters.

As a church planter you are looking for men and women who are faithful, available and teachable.  Faithful, available, and teachable people are able to advance the cause of Christ. People who are faithful to Christ obey his commands.  People who are available to learn and to serve have time to develop their own skills and to work.  People who are teachable can allow the Gospel to change their way of thinking. Teachable people are willing to learn new and powerful skills.

But how can you determine if a new member of your church is really faithful to Christ, available to learn, and has a teachable spirit? How can you determine in whom you should invest your time to train?  How can you determine who might be a good leader in your growing church? Sure, we all want to work with faithful, available, and teachable people.  But how do we know who really has these attributes?

If you faithfully teach new believers to obey the seven basic commands of Christ it will not be hard to determine who is faithful, available, and teachable. You remember Jesus’ seven basic commands:

Repent and believe the Good News.

Baptize new believers.

Love God and your neighbor.

Partake of the Lord’s Supper regularly with other believers.

Pray and meditate on the Word of God daily.


Make disciples of Jesus.

If you teach these seven commands simply, clearly, and regularly in your church, you will soon know who is faithful, available, and teachable.

Faithful people will listen and learn as you teach Jesus’ commands.  Faithful people will admit their weaknesses and trust God to give them strength to obey.  

But not all people who are faithful are available.  Some people who have faith will not come regularly to church services and classes.  They are too busy.  They may be faithful, but they are not available.  To develop leaders for your church you need to find people who are both faithful and available.

Some people are faithful and available but they are unwilling to change. When you teach them Jesus’ commands, they make excuses.  They say they would like to love their neighbors, but their neighbors are very mean.  They say they would like to partake of the Lord’s Supper someday, but not now.  They say they would like to make disciples, but they are just too shy. These people like to listen, but they are unwilling to change.  They are not teachable. They cannot become good leaders.

But when you teach the seven commands of Jesus, your students’ response to the teaching will tell you if they are faithful, available, and teachable.  When you see a man or woman who attends regularly, who trusts God to give strength to obey, a man or woman who does not make excuses… when you see a faithful, available, teachable man or women, you have found a person whom you can equip to become a leader in your church or in a daughter church.

Consistent instruction in the seven basic commands of Christ will help you find faithful, available and teachable Christians.  When you find them, rejoice! Then work diligently to help them to become the men and women of God he wants them to be.

This has been “Multiply.” And I’m Dean Davis asking, “Who will you share this encouraging word with today? E3-03

#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters  #FATChristians SevenCommandsofChrist #FaithfulAvailableTeachable

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