Friday, January 14, 2022

Faithful, Available & Teachable Part 1


Hello this is Multiply a podcast to provide a word of encouragement for village church planters and I am Brad Snowden

When I think of the word disciple there are many attributes that come to mind. When we look at the life of Jesus and how he selected his disciples we know that he found those who were Faithful, Available and Teachable.

When I was very young my mother wanted me to learn how to work in the garden. The very first thing she did was to teach me how to identify weeds .This was very important because she didn’t want me to pull up the good plants. The first crucial element in becoming a good weed puller was. I needed to be teachable. I didn’t know weeds looked like and as I look back on this she had to have a lot of patience with me. I needed to be available and my parents always made sure I had the time to weed the garden and I had plenty of practice at weed pulling. The last part was I had to be faithful to put into practice what I was taught. They had trust me that in time I would only pull up the weeds. It was great, I learned weeds and they had a garden with no weeds.

Church planters the ability to identify those in the Church who are faithful, available and teachable will be a great tool for the Lord’s kingdom. If we learn to identify these men and women quickly the process of pouring into them and disciplining them will become easier. 

Identification and the timing is important because if you see in them the potential to become disciple makers the time spent with them will be very important. This is where we must be dependent of the Holy Spirit to help in the identification process.  We must pray that the Lord help us identify those who will be teachable and available and faithful to what is taught to them. Remember prayer is a key for this to work out, because the Lord knows the hearts of these individuals and he too is looking for the faithful, available, and the teachable. 

Luke 16:10   says “He who is faithful in a very little thing is also faithful in much; and he who is dishonest in a very little thing is also dishonest in much.

This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters please share this with others. Lord Bless

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