Friday, November 19, 2021

Your Legacy


This is ’Multiply’ a podcast to encourage village church planters and Christian leaders. I am Daneille Snowden.

There is a song called; “May All Those Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithful.” It speaks of the legacy we leave behind. Legacy simply means, something that's passed on to someone else from their predecessor.

It makes me think of Elijah and his mantle falling upon Elisha as he received the double anointing. It makes me think of Joshua as he followed in the example and teachings of Moses. A mantle is an indicator of a prophet's authority given to them from God.

I read this illustration recently about planting new trees. When one plants a new tree, it's best to do that amongst the old ones, in a Grove. The trees surrounding the new tree will graft themselves in their roots together with the young tree. This creates a foundation (underground) as the stronger and older trees share their resources with the young tree.

As it was clear to Elisha, and even the prophets all around him what the mantle meant, which was the legacy Elijah left behind. Proverbs 13:22 says; “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children.”

Elisha walked in the double anointing of the Lord, what inheritance will we leave behind for those who walk with and follow us? What will be the legacy we leave?

In John 14:12 Jesus said, “He who believes in me, the works that I do, he shall do also, greater works because I go to the father.”

Today, as we live out God's word, and operate in the deeds of a Christian, plus win souls, we will pass on a rich legacy. Legacy is like the mantle, a spiritual covering representing God's anointing and authority. As we live this out before others, we can be assured that as they watch closely, they too will receive this covering and anointing called a legacy.

Thank you for being here today, will you share this podcast with others? You can also find us on Facebook, YouTube and on

Thank you!

#legacy #legacyofChrist #mantle #examplesweleave

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