Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Attitude of the Heart


Welcome! This is Multiply, a podcast to encourage village church planters, and

Christian leaders. We are Brad and Daneille Snowden. 

The eternal God from the beginning has desired one thing.

He gave His only Son to be our living sacrifice to die for us. Yet, there is still one

desire that remains.

He supplies all our needs, heals the sick, raises the dead, again God desires this one


He longs for our love towards Him.

 1John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God because God is Love."

 The greatest amount of love in my day-to-day life, comes when my

children run up to me and say: "I love you!" This means so much to me! And it

bubbles up more love in me for them within my heart that I can't help but embellish

them with my love as well. 

Do we love Him, for simply what He can give us?

Do we love Him because of all His benefits which is eternal life, strength, peace, and


Or is our love towards God all because we feel obligated to love Him?

The purest of love has no desire for anything in return and

The purest of love has no strings attached.

When we love, it pours forth from the heart. The heart of God's Children when they

are 'in-love' with their Heavenly Father values Him deeply. And it will not matter if

God gives us things we want or not.

When we love in this way, our soul meshes with our creator God, when we long for

fellowship with Him as He does with us; we are becoming like Him.

The fruits that naturally grow from this heart are having a longing to please God, and

truly care for His Honor by bringing Him all the glory. Also, for our God (& for His

Son Jesus) to be known unto all the world.

Our love for God must dominate every part of our being in all we do and speak. May

all who see us and hear us speak; witness to the love we have for our Lord and King. 

From the beginning of creation and throughout eternity, God is looking or one thing:


This has been Multiply, thank you for joining us today. Will you please share this

podcast and follow us at, on Facebook and YouTube. Links

are posted in our bio. God bless!

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