Thursday, October 21, 2021

Your Church Can Obey the 7 Basic Commands of Christ


Hello everybody, my name is Dean Davis and this is “A Word of Encouragement for Village Church Planters.” 

When I travel, I always observe the crops of the farms I pass by. Are the plants green? Are they growing taller?  Are all the plants about the same height, or are some plants smaller than others?  Are all the plants green, or do some have yellow leaves? Is the soil dry or moist? I always notice these things when I travel and see people’s farmland. And I am always happy when I see green, growing fields.  I am happy when I see the crops producing flowers and then fruit. I am happy because I know that not only the farmer, but many other people will be blessed by that crop when the harvest comes.

It’s a good thing when all the maize plants in a maize field are green and growing and maturing together.  And it is a good thing when all of the members of a church are growing in their knowledge of Jesus, in their trust in Christ and in their obedience to the Lord. We teach new followers of Jesus to obey the seven basic commands of Christ:

·        Repent and believe

·        Baptize new believers

·        Love God and neighbor

·        Partake of the Lord’s supper

·        Pray and meditate on God’s word daily

·        Give

·        Make disciples

I think many new believers focus on doing each commandment once. This is normal. As followers of Jesus, they have to start somewhere. But these commands of Jesus are not intended to be done just once.  Jesus intends for us to make obedience to his commands a lifestyle.  He expects us to obey them day after day and year after year.   

Let me encourage you as church planter to keep these seven commands of Jesus constantly in mind.  Observe your church members the same way a farmer observes his crops. Recognize obedience. Rejoice when you see growth. Remind members to obey the 7 Basic commands of Christ.  Make a banner that lists the commands. Hang it in a prominent place in your church. Compose songs about these commands of Jesus and sing those songs frequently. Make reference to the seven basic commands week after week, month after month. Make specific plans to obey each commandment as a church. By doing so your church will be full of faithful followers of Jesus. Your church will show its love for Christ by worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. What a joy that will be!

This has been a word of encouragement for Village Church Planters. 


#EncouragementforVillageChurchPlanters  #7CommandsofJesus

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