Thursday, October 14, 2021



Hello this is Multiply a podcast to provide a word of encouragement to village church planters and this is Brad Snowden.

When I was a carpenter I would build things and I had no problem walking on the structures because I knew how they were built. The challenge came when I would have to walk on something I didn’t know who built it, was it safe? There is a place where comfort arises because of trust. We all have those circumstances where we are not as comfortable as we could be. 

1 Kings 17:9 Arise, go to Zarephath which belongs to Sidon and dwell there. Behold I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.

The prophet Elijah was in need for the brook had dried up and he had been there for so long . How many times does God stir us and say you have been at this place spiritually long enough get up and move forward. When we look at this story it’s already written we know the end. It all worked out miraculously but being at the beginning took some real trust. 

First he had to walk the 136 kilometers to get there. Then a widow was to take care of him. The widow in the original language was desolate. God was instructing him to go to a desolate place and there he would find provision. We know by reading this story that he found the widow in a hopeless situation. She was gathering two sticks to cook her last meal for her and her son. There was no other meal coming, NOTHING. That’s pretty much a where trust really has to kick in. 

Dear church planter, servant of God is this not the place where many are living today. People wander gathering what little is left and that is all that there is. The hope for something better just does not exist. This is where God says go to those that are hopelessly grasping for anything that may help. You and I we have the answer we have something to offer each heart. HOPE that is in Jesus and eternal life far greater that we can imagine. What if Elijah said no to God .What would have happened to the widow and her son. What would have happened to those neighbors who knew she didn’t have anything. Yet God came through and used His  servant and miracles happened. 

 God has a plan and it simply takes you and I getting up and saying I trust in God’s word and He will make a way. God can and will change the hearts as they experience the love and hope that  Jesus gives. 

I trust God and I pray He continually stirs us and helps us move forward making disciples for Hope.

This has been a word of encouragement for village church planters.

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